Forum Discussion
Dec 20, 2019MVP
List of all Edge URLs
about://about paste it in any Chromium based browser and it shall reveal all of its secrets to you. [ Spoiler ]
- Dec 20, 2019
This is so nice to share with the community. Thanks for being awesome. 😄
Missy Quarry (she/her/hers)
Community Manager - Microsoft Edge
Feb 20, 2020MVP
more info:
- edge://about -- Same as edge://edge-urls/
- edge://accessibility -- Inspect the representation of accessibility in Edge and modify accessibility modes.
- edge://appcache-internals -- Lists information about the application cache (that sites may use).
- edge://application-guard-internals -- returns the status of the Windows-specific Application Guard feature, host information, a log, and utilities to check URL trust, Ping, and more.
- edge://apps -- Lists all applications installed in Microsoft EDge.
- edge://autofill-internals --Lists captured autofill logs.
- edge://blob-internals -- Lists blob data if available.
- edge://bluetooth-internals -- Provides information on Bluetooth connectivity including available adapters, devices, and debug logs.
- edge://compat -- Compatibility hub that lists Enterprise Mode Site List entries, User agent overrides, CDM overrides, and the status of Internet Explorer mode (including diagnostics).
- edge://components -- Installed plugins and components. The Adobe Flash Player version is listed here if installed, as is the Widevine Content Decryption Module, Trust Protection Lists, and other components.
- edge://conflicts -- The page lists all modules loaded in the browser and rendered processes, and modules registered to load at a later point in time.
- edge://crashes -- Lists all recently reported crashes. Includes option to clear the listing.
- edge://credits -- Lists credits for various components and features that Edge uses.
- edge://data-viewer -- Linked to diagnostic data.
- edge://device-log -- Provides device information, e.g. events of Bluetooth or USB devices.
- edge://discards -- Tabs may be discarded by the browser, e.g. to free up memory. The page lists those tabs and related information.
- edge://download-internals -- Displays the download status, and provides options to start a download.
- edge://downloads -- Opens the internal downloads management page listing all downloads of Edge.
- edge://edge-urls -- Lists all internal URLs.
- edge://extensions -- Lists all installed extensions and their status.
- edge://favorites -- Lists all bookmarks.
- edge://flags -- Opens a page full of experimental features that may be managed from that page.
- edge://gpu -- Provides detailed information about the capabilities of the graphics adapter as well as driver bug workarounds and potential problems.
- edge://help -- Displays the current version of Microsoft Edge and runs a check for updates.
- edge://histograms -- Stats accumulated from browser startup to previous page load.
- edge://history -- Opens the browsing history.
- edge://indexeddb-internals -- Information about the use of IndexedDB by sites.
- edge://inspect -- Configure port forwarding for USB devices and configure network targets.
- edge://interstitials -- The page displays various interstitial pages that EDge displays, e.g. when it detects a captive portal, on SSL errors, or when you are encountering lookalike URLs.
- edge://interventions-internals -- Lists the intervention status, flags, logs, and other information.
- edge://invalidations -- Lists invalidations debug information
- edge://local-state -- JSON data that lists browser features and policies, and their status.
- edge://management -- Page is only active if Edge is managed by a company or organization.
- edge://media-engagement -- Lists media engagement values, and displays sessions.
- edge://media-internals -- Provides media information.
- edge://nacl -- Displays NaCl (Native Client) information.
- edge://net-export -- Option to capture a network log.
- edge://net-internals -- Removed.
- edge://network-error -- Removed.
- edge://network-errors -- Lists all available network errors that Edge may throw
- edge://new-tab-page -- Opens a blank New Tab page.
- edge://newtab -- Opens Edge's default New Tab page.
- edge://ntp-tiles-internals -- Provides information on New Tab Page data, e.g. whether Top Sites is enabled, the list of sites, and more.
- edge://omnibox -- Displays address bar input results on the page.
- edge://password-manager-internals -- Provides internal information on the password manager in Edge.
- edge://policy -- Lists policies that are set in Microsoft Edge. Option to export to JSON.
- edge://predictors -- Lists auto-complete and resource prefetch predictors.
- edge://prefs-internals -- JSON data listing preferences and their status.
- edge://print -- Print Preview page.
- edge://process-internals -- Information about site isolation mode and the sites that are isolated.
- edge://push-internals -- Push Messaging debug snapshot.
- edge://quota-internals -- Disk quota information including available free disk space for the profile directory.
- edge://sandbox -- Detailed sandbox status for Edge processes.
- edge://serviceworker-internals -- Service Worker information.
- edge://settings -- Opens the main Settings page of the browser.
- edge://signin-internals -- Details about the sign-in status, refresh tokens, email addresses and more.
- edge://site-engagement -- Site engagement scores for every visited site.
- edge://supervised-user-internals -- Removed.
- edge://sync-internals -- Provides lots of information about synchronization in Edge.
- edge://system -- System information, e.g. Edge and Windows version, whether enrolled to domain, and more.
- edge://terms -- License Terms.
- edge://tracing -- Record, load, and save trace data.
- edge://translate-internals -- Provides information on the built-in translation functionality.
- edge://usb-internals -- Option to test USB devices and a devices list.
- edge://user-actions -- Lists user actions.
- edge://version -- Edge version information including command line parameters and variations (experiments).
- edge://webrtc-internals -- create WebRTC dumps.
- edge://webrtc-logs -- Lists of recently captured WebRTC text and event logs.