Forum Discussion
Apr 11, 2022How copy edge profile work for end to end tests
Hi, recently our team try to setup some end to end tests for our website, and we need to use the edge profile's address/personal information, so how we do is:
1. login edge with a MSA accounts with some specific address and personal info
2. copy this profile to our test machine, and start the test browser by edge.exe --disable-sync, and it work well.
but recently we try to deploy this test into Azure pipeline, and it always show that it did not detected this profile, and we need to sign in again. We already check that:
1. the edge version is the same as profile's version;
2. the Azure pipeline machine is the same system with our local test machine;
3. we check the edge://versions, we found the profile path is our profile;
Could you help us to figure it out:
1. when the profile will be expired when we use --disable-sync? because we are afraid even now, it work well in my local, some day if the edge version update, it will hard failed by the profile expired.
2. why this profile did not work in Azure pipeline?
3. or do we have some other solution can help us to write this type of end 2 end tests in Azure pipeline, which are dependent on edge profiles data?
Thanks so much!
- MiaoYingCopper ContributorRestart Microsoft Edge and navigate to edge://sync-internals and check the " AAD Account Key Status " section"Success"...
"Success" in "Last MIP Result": the cryptographer error means server data might be encrypted with a lost key. Data reset...
"No permissions" in "Last MIP Result": It is possibly caused by an Azure AD change or tenant subscription changes.- JingLi1123
the status is: uninitialized
and for my another question: when the profile will be expired when we use --disable-sync? Do you known the specific rules for the profile expired reason