Forum Discussion
May 28, 2021Copper Contributor
Google home page not opening on start up of Edge
Hey, new to the forums, for some reason as of yesterday, when I start up Edge, I get a Microsoft home page even though I have as my home page and start up page. how do i stop this from hap...
- May 29, 2021
dosi70 There are two workarounds you can try:
Workaround 1: Change your search-provider to Bing
In the Address Bar, go to edge://settings/searchEngines and then click the "..." at the end of the Bing option and choose "Make default". Close all Edge windows. Next time you open a new Edge window, your startup-page should be working again.
Workaround 2: Add the site(s) into the shortcut for Edge (applies to Windows users only)
Find a shortcut to the Edge browser (for example, on your desktop), then right-click it and choose "Properties". In the Target box, right at the end (after msedge.exe") leave a single space, and then type the web-address you want Edge to start with. Click OK, and use that shortcut now to launch Edge.
NOTE: if you want Edge to load more-than one site when it starts, just leave a single space between each website address, for example:
May 29, 2021Copper Contributor
Resetting solved the problem. but it resets the search from google to bing. that is annoying.
May 29, 2021Copper Contributor
Resetting did not solve it. And also resetting means you have to go back and reset your search engine (Delete BING) and such.
So now, instead of opening my home page, MS has decided that I don't want to do that anymore and opens their NEW TAB page. - this is as of today - they made an update that denies users the ability to set their own home page.
Nice way to get people to hate your new browser, guys. Guess it'a back to Chrome for me.
- IainHendersonMay 29, 2021Copper Contributor
I've started experiencing this today on Edge (Chromium) 91.0.864.37.
I previously had 5 "home tabs" set to open when Edge launched then suddenly today it just started ignoring this setting and open a "new tab" page instead. Clicking the Home button also opens a "new tab" page.
I have tried removing all 5 home tabs set up in Edge Settings and change the default to be "new tab" page, restarted the browser, reverted back to adding a custom tab as home page but it still opens the "new tab" page no matter which setting I have chosen.