Forum Discussion
Full Screen in Edge with touchscreen - How do we inhibit long duration touch (right click?) actions?
I volunteer for a museum and we display an internal html web based presentation featuring images upon selection using a mouse with a physically inhibited right click… to prevent right click actions by visitors breaking out of the full screen display.
We want to move to a touchscreen solution but of course in Edge.. the browser we are currently using …. it will allow right click actions which opens a dialogue box menu allowing a breakout, and also a swipe from the top screen edge will produce the F11 escape function .. also offering access a cancel out off full screen mode.
Does anyone know a way to inhibit both of these facilities in Edge full screen mode so that only hyperlinked graphic buttons in the touchscreen display etc respond to touch control and not general page area touches. Ironically we have managed to inhibit side swiping in this mode using an Edge UI key.. but how do we do this for the top edge swipe? Turning off right click resources in the Windows 11 control panel simply does not work!!
Help if at all possible please!!