Forum Discussion
[FIXED] Legacy Edge extensions on Windows store after installing the new Edge
- Feb 25, 2020
Thank you Microsoft for the swift response to the feedback
All the changes are now applied to Windows store app and Windows store website.
True, but it is upto the team. It is only possible after they integrate it with OS, probably with the shipping of version 2004 update.
Rohit Yadav wrote:True, but it is upto the team. It is only possible after they integrate it with OS, probably with the shipping of version 2004 update.
I don't think so. Windows store can receive updates on its own, Windows update can take care of the rest.
- Rohit YadavFeb 02, 2020Bronze Contributor
That can be done, but only after Edge is deployed to all PCs through Windows Update. Otherwise the users of Legacy Edge won't be able to install the extensions....
- HotCakeXFeb 02, 2020MVPSpoiler
Rohit Yadav wrote:That can be done, but only after Edge is deployed to all PCs through Windows Update. Otherwise the users of Legacy Edge won't be able to install the extensions....
Like I said in my post:
"I think the proper way to handle this situation is to either hide these extensions from Windows store once the new Edge is installed, OR show a message to user that: "it's not compatible with the current installed version of Edge browser"."