Forum Discussion

HotCakeX's avatar
Oct 02, 2019

[FIXED] Edge insider Canary Not working anymore. opens all websites in WDAG Application Guard Window


UPDATE: Fixed in Edge insider Version (Official build) canary (64-bit)



I just updated my Edge insider Canary to Version (Official build) canary (64-bit)

and After that, when I type in something in the omnibox or click on any bookmark, the browser launches the Windows Defender Application Guard window and attempts to open that websites in there.

I said attempt because It tries and fails with this error:



I'm on Windows 10 fast ring build 18990. tried restarting computer and disabling all extensions but still no luck. whatever this last update had triggered this problem. so right now Edge insider canary is literally dead and I'm posting this with Edge classic.

Elliot Kirk 


anyone else experiencing this?


  • Brain2000's avatar
    Brass Contributor


    This is a DNS issue, and it is still broken depending on the DNS server being used.

    The issue is aliases itself.

    Such as:



    Server: []

    Non-authoritative answer:


    Some DNS servers only return "" and nothing else, therefore creating an infinite DNS loop.

    • Brain2000's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      I fixed it by appending this to my c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts:


      • snakehunter1765's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        very good fix wdag has stopped creating problems im in 21h1 builds so its working fine now still need monitor it if comes again the crash
  • alaurene's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Yes - I am also seeing this same issue - with WDAG. (running GA build 18362.356)
    Will see what happens with next Canary build release....


    I am using Edge Dev 287.2 to reply - no issues with that build.

  • That happens to me too removing application guard you can browse normally when enable application guard again wont let you it's broken I'm alm windows 10 insider 18990 better wait new update for canary
      • snakehunter1765's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        I just noticed today the bug can't use edge canary wont open pages just application guard broken and prevents to use it before this build working fine can't open tabs too
  • YgorCortes's avatar
    Steel Contributor
    Same with me on 1903. I honestly don't know how it'll be fixed because internet connection doesn't even work, so how is it going to search for updates? I guess we'll have to download the installer manually from another browser.
    • HotCakeX's avatar
      When I open Edge canary, the main window opens and after few seconds the application guard window, but i can still manage to go to the settings and check for update in the about page.
      also the news feed in the new tab page works for me.

  • HotCakeX Same problem also for me. After upgrading to version every page tries to load inside an Application Guard window but with no luck. My Windows version is 1903 10.0.18362 Build 18362

  • HotCakeX Fails for me on non-insider Win 10 1903 10.0.18362.387.  Not only does it try to open in WDAG, it doesn't work in WDAG just as shown in your screenshot.  WDAG still works fine with Spartan.

    • HotCakeX's avatar
      Thanks, this narrows it down to the Edge insider canary only to be the source of the problem
      • Deleted's avatar

        HotCakeX Absolutely. I had tabs opened and manually checked this afternoon for updates in settings.  After tapping the Restart button, WDAG started and nothing restored. I dropped back from canary to dev. I hope it is fixed tomorrow. I"m very surprised the build was released or even that check in verification didn't block the bug.  Maybe the verification checks run on systems without WDAG enablrd.

  • 19lmyers's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    I'm also seeing this issue on Canary. No websites can load, as they all try to open in Application Guard and Application Guard seems to be completely broken.

    • HotCakeX's avatar


      Hi, thanks, can you please also mention which Windows 10 build/version you're using?

      wanna make sure it's not related to Windows insider.


      by the way I tried uninstalling application guard feature but it's failing. Windows restarted 2 times, said the changes were rolling back.

      you could give it a try maybe it won't fail for you


