Forum Discussion

ELshennawi's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 10, 2021

fit one full page adobe pdf to edge

 we need this option on Microsoft edge PDF 

  • TheShaunSaw's avatar
    Silver Contributor


    Hi there, you are welcome to the Microsoft Edge Insider Community Hub!

    This feature is there in the Microsoft Edge PDF viewer I guess since it was released to the public.

    What you need to do is click the button depicted below which toggles into two different modes when you click, one is fit to width and another one is fit to page. Fit to page is the option that will show the whole page in the PDF viewer.


    Fit to Page option in the PDF viewer which is depicted by an arrow

    • ELshennawi's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      thank you for answering me, but I mean I want the feature that called ((continuous scrolling)) that on the red box in the below picture 
