Forum Discussion
Mar 27, 2021Brass Contributor
Feature Requests: Keyboard Shortcut to hide/show vertical tab bar
I'm loving the vertical tab bar natively, but just have a few simple feature requests that would make it that much nicer for a power user: 1) Provide a keyboard shortcut to collapse and expand the ...
Apr 08, 2021Brass Contributor
Just wanted to bump this in case anyone missed it; is this a feature anyone else would be excited by?
- HotCakeXApr 08, 2021MVPHi,
I don't think keyboard shortcut would help me. even if i open the vertical tabs sidebar with shortcut, i still have to move my mouse cursor over there to select a different tab, so that key press would be unnecessary since it automatically expands when i hover near there.- charlescharlesApr 08, 2021Brass ContributorTwo points on that:
- Sometimes I just want to see the titles of other tabs, and not necessarily navigate
- I commonly switch tabs with keyboard shortcuts - Command-Option-Left and Command-Option-Right (for macos), or Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-Shift-Tab- HotCakeXApr 09, 2021MVPSure, i just use the shortcuts and Alt + Tab shows me tab titles, don't rely on vertical tabs or Edge showing me them. i usually switch between different programs and Edge tabs smoothly with Alt + tab.