Forum Discussion
FEATURE REQUESTS: Detailed Listing of Needed Key Features.
Three is a reason why Google chrome is so popular and the number 1 browser. their motto:
Now more simple, secure, and faster than ever
pay attention to the word "Simple"
those things you mentioned are Too Much specific, that's why they come as extensions so that only those who really want them install them on their browsers.
if Microsoft makes the new Edge a bloated heavy browser then people will keep using Google Chrome because it's simpler, faster and gets the job done and also it's debloated.
The reason the browser is so popular is:
1. It's Google (popularity of a product makes a difference)
2. Extensions (again, lots of support of the browser made a difference)
3. Tabs (while they weren't the first, they were the most known, that made a difference)
4. 90% of my requested Features are BASIC Browser functions, not fancy extensions, so you are incorrect in your judgment. Your thinking is the kind that we shouldn't even be using "Tabs" and a host of other features as default in a browser... Oh, an Extension can do that.
5. Further, most of them don't even exist as extensions, some have but are gone, as well having some as extensions instead of part of the browser caused problems, aka more crashes/bloat.
6. Almost ALL of the features I mention are not "bloatware" and would add nothing to slowing down Edge.
Did you forget the 360Chrome and Maxthon Browsers HAVE ALL of the features I mention?
And guess what, they aren't even close to "slow".
7. Did you also forget that Chrome crashes alot and has FOR YEARS even without so-called "bloat"?
Bottom line, why do we even need a Chromium Edge if it's just going to be ANOTHER of the Dozen browsers that already exist and doesn't do anything actually useful?
I mean, if you want a Clone of Chrome, then why are you here?
- HotCakeXAug 18, 2019MVP
You are wrong
1. if you wanna talk about popularity then Microsoft is more popular, even when they were showing the Edge in users' throats people still chose to use Chrome, because it's better.
2. what?
3.tabs what? I don't see how it's even related. tabs are super old features.
4. Basic? right
-double tap click to close-it's the most awful idea ever.
-you want to natively log into your google account? use google chrome then.
if you want Microsoft allow users to use another company's account on their browser then First google must allow login via Microsoft account on chrome.
-resource sniffer-very specific feature. definitely should NOT be included in a browser for everyone.
-switching to different browser core-also specific feature rarely needed/used. the new Edge already includes switching between IE and Chromium engine. even with this change still 99% of people won't need to switch to IE. also if you only knew about programming you'd know how much unnecessary burden it'd put on developers' shoulders that has no benefit.
-there is already an option to restore closed tabs.
you set your own rules and say they should be default, well you're free to grab a copy of chromium engine and make your own browser. and since you're very fond of that chrome360 extension that you keep talking about all the time, you can integrate it into your own browser too.- leeuniverseAug 19, 2019Brass Contributor
1. LOL, and "why" is Chrome "better"? Because of FEATURES.
It's also better because of Extension support.
You don't even know you're defeating your own argument, crying about some extra mostly backend stuff that I'm wanting.
2. The fact that you say "what" clearly shows you know nothing about Browsers, their functions, and why people use them. Let me explain it. Due to Google being an Internet-based technology company they were able to tap a huge Programmer base who have created VASTS amounts of extensions for every need. In other words, Chromes Extension support attracted people to use Chrome. It has the best of all the browsers.
3. Again, that you don't understand the effect of Tabs, shows more you don't understand Browsers. Again, let me explain it. Tabs in browsers were fairly new, and really only fringe lesser-known browsers had them at the time (which I used by the way so I was ahead of the curve and know what I'm talking about when it comes to good features for browsers). Chrome made them mainstream, and people loved them.
See, to YOU Tabs would be "bloatware" with your backward thinking, a feature "not required" in your mind. In contrast, Tabs are wonderful, which you likely know. But you didn't know how wonderful they were until you tried them did you? Heck, when I look at your pic, you're likely not even old enough to know what browsers were like before Tabs existed. So, who do you think you are poo poo'ing what the next generation browser should be like?Further, you never answered the question why if you like "minimal" so much, why do you care about EDGE, and just use Chrome instead?
What do you think the new Edge is bringing that a dozen other browsers don't already do?
Nothing... Like right now, this browser is the same as many, so, I'm here contributing to it becoming a BETTER browser like they want. Don't know why you're "poo poo'ing" that?4. You've clearly never used Double Left Click to close Tabs.
It's way faster and easier to close tabs.
5. Again, you don't know what I'm talking about. First, it's my understanding that part of the purpose of Microsoft switching to Chromium is SO people can start using Chrome Extensions whether it be through Googles Extension database, or make it so Extension Developers can easy create compatibility with Edge. 360Chrome is a BROWSER based on an early version of Chrome. In its settings you're able to also login to your Google Account and thus use Chrome Extensions natively without using an ineffective shell or whatever like some other browsers do to use Chrome Extensions in them.
6. Which if you read my post you would see I put the Resource Sniffer under NOT A MUST-HAVE....
However, it actually IS something useful to most users, because a lot of people like to download various things from webpages and a resource sniffer makes it easy. But, I did state in my post I'm fine with that being an extension since actually an extension and not a simple Feature like the first 10 in my list are.7. Again, do you even read? Switching cores is under "EXTRAS".
LOL, If "I" know about programming? Haaa haa ahahaah.
The point of a "separate core" is that SOMEONE ELSE DEVELOPS IT.... It's point is that one core can't anticipate every single situation, as well not every script and every webpage works perfectly with every core, so a second core allows some webpages to function properly.
Madam, I'm a power user on the internet, while "you" may not think extra cores are useful, I do, because I constantly encounter situations/pages in which another core works better. And I'm not talking about only "older" pages/scripts, but even modern ones.
There is no major "burden" for Microsoft to put in extra cores. It's just smart development.
8. Yes, you have to Right-click a tab, scroll down and click it. My button, however, is much easier to use, and includes more features. So no, Canary doesn't have what I'm asking for.
9. LOL first 360Chrome is not an "extension".... it is a BROWSER from China. And I use it because like with Maxthon, they are the only browsers that have basically ALL of what I'm asking for. I don't use Maxthon anymore because it's not a Chromium-based browser and has crap extension support. And I don't want to use 360Chrome because it's not fully English supported, and I would like a Western-based browser to finally be good instead of crap missing the first 10 (or most) of the features I've listed as needing in my modern browser.
Seriously? tee off lady... 😞
If you think Chromes minimalism is so "wonderful" then why are you here?
This forum is about Microsoft wanting input to make a better browser. You're clearly not here to do that, you just want it to be just like all the others, doing nothing useful.
You also falsely represent me... I said CLEARLY that the features I'm requesting most of them are able to be CHOOSABLE SETTINGS. They DON'T HAVE TO BE DEFAULT. If you don't want to use them, then GOOD FOR YOU... I'm requesting simple things, that make ME and many like me (aka the MILLIONS who use 360Chrome and Maxthon) want in a Browser. So get over yourself.
- HotCakeXAug 19, 2019MVP1. yes chrome is better for extension support, and that keeps the browser simple and fast so when people need specific feature needs they add them from extension stores.
2. i said what because your comment was unclear.
3. instead of i don't understand, look at your own previous comment. you say something unclear.
"Tabs (while they weren't the first, they were the most known, that made a difference)"
what's that supposed to even mean?
4. I have used double click tabs that's why I say it's an awful idea.
5. this forum is not about 360Chrome, it's about Microsoft Edge.
6. doesn't matter what categories you put it under.
7. present a situation where Chromium engine can't handle a website and for example Firefox can.
8. what button?
9. sorry if i don't know all of the Chinese browsers?
Fortunately The Edge browsers devs know how to make a browser that won't be beat by Google chrome's dominance again. they've already affected Google chrome's development with their changes to that engine, like the recent one about media caches and battery optimization. it decreases browser's power usage, the change was too good that if Google had missed it that could be so bad for them.
both parties are playing it close to their chest.
- dftf-wipMay 17, 2021Iron ContributorAdvice aside, I'm a little confused how you say "if you want a clone of Chrome, then why are you here" and "360Chrome and Maxthon HAVE ALL of the features I mention".
So... why not just use those browsers if you're happier with their feature-sets? Why make Edge a clone of either of those, when both of those already exist?