Forum Discussion
Aug 18, 2019Brass Contributor
FEATURE REQUESTS: Detailed Listing of Needed Key Features.
Most of the major browsers do not have these features, while some might have a couple, ALL are missing most of them. Due to this, I've been relegated to using a "Chinese" Browser, "360Chrome" or Max...
Aug 18, 2019Bronze Contributor
leeuniverse A variant of the 80-20 rule applies, to my mind: A browser should include features/functions wanted/used by 80% of the user base; other features/functions should be handled by flags/extensions.
- leeuniverseAug 18, 2019Brass Contributor
How do you know you wouldn't like/want what I've mentioned above if you hadn't used it?
And I already said most of the items can be handled by "Settings" (aka Flags).
I've only mentioned the most important and key things needed that most browsers don't have "all of" but are very enjoyable and make the browser experience better.
I haven't asked for fancy "extensions" being part of the browser save maybe some options in the last 5 I mentioned. I've already addressed this.
I mean, do you even know how much more comfortable using a browser is when you can:
- Double Click the tab to close it, rather than straining for the "x" or right clicking the tab to find the close?
- Dragging/dropping text or link rather than selecting it and then right clicking, finding the option, etc.?
I mean, I can go on and on.
Anyway, I've simply addressed the most important basic browser functions which are found all through various browsers but aren't altogether save in the 2 I've mentioned.
Like I said, it would be nice to not have to go to China for basic MODERN Browser functions.And another thing, why do we even need a Chromium Edge if it's just going to be ANOTHER of the Dozen browsers that already exist doing nothing unique and useful?
I mean, if you want a Clone of Chrome, then why are you here?
- HotCakeXAug 18, 2019MVP
How do you know if he hasn't used them already?
do you know how much uncomfortable and annoying it is if double clicking on tabs were to close them? how many unintentional tab closures would happen, how much it would rage users.
those things you mentioned are no way basic. the basic is ALREADY inside the Chrome and the new Edge browser. the rest of the highly specific needs can be addressed via extensions. yes that's how important extensions are. the Basic is what is already in Google Chrome, what is already in Edge Spartan which is gradually being shipped to the new Edge insider. other than that is just bloated software that no one wants.It's Not a clone of chrome.
Microsoft's plan is to only change the browser core from EdgeHTML to the Chromium engine for better compatibility, nothing else. they have their own browser and set of features. almost everyone want the same feature that old Edge has to come to the new Edge insider, so eventually whatever gets changes is only under-the-hood stuff, the underlying parts. the result is better compatibility and extension support.
and Microsoft is going to make this Edge browser so perfect and integrate it into their own OS (Windows) so that people won't need to download a 3rd party browser like chrome.
- leeuniverseAug 19, 2019Brass Contributor
1. Because they aren't in most browsers, and anyone that has used them love them.
2. LOL... Seriously, do you understand the concept of not commenting on things you know NOTHING about? First, again, I'm a power user on the internet, and I've been using Tabbed Browsers which Double-click to close them for some 20 years. I will often have 30 Tabs open.... and guess what, I have pretty much NEVER had "unintentional tab closures". (and even if such does occur, thank goodness for restore Tab, as well as PINNING tabs that you might be doing something important in which STOPS closing of tabs.)
Second, there's this little thing called "Settings", in which a person can CHOOSE how they want their Tabs to work. If you don't like to double-click tabs to close them, you DON'T HAVE TO SET THAT SETTING. **** lady, you are amazing. 😞
3. My first 10 requests are not "software" they are simple SETTINGS which aren't appropriate to have as extensions. I mean, you are so funny here. I could be like you and say whatever function/feature the browser currently has is just "bloatware".... "can't have that"... That's something "extra" not needed just because I don't need it.
And no.... My last 5 ARE more specific needs, but the others aren't. Just because YOU have no clue the benefit of the things I'm requesting are, doesn't mean they aren't good requests. Take for example, opening favorites. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just click your favorite link and it just opens a new tab with that favorite instead of overwriting the current tab? Thus, you have to waist time opening a new tab and THEN clicking your favorite? You clealy have ZERO clue of the ease of use and comfort I'm trying to make the browser be, aka BE BETTER. You, you're clearly fine with being led.
4. LOL, yes it IS a clone of Chrome. It does essentially ZERO different than what Chrome does and most other browsers.
Duh, I know "why" they are switching to Chromium, that's not the point.
The point is that I and many people like the basic features I'm asking for.
I'm not asking for anything that complicated. And no, you won't be "forced" to use what I like.
You're not a very constructive person. It has been an irritation.