Forum Discussion

blomsterharry's avatar
Brass Contributor
May 16, 2019

Edge support on Server OS?



First I would like to say, that it's great to see that Edge will also have support on legacy OS like Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. But I can't find on the Edge Insider website, if there will be support on Server OS. So I would like to know if you have any plans on supporting Edge on for example Windows Server 2008 R2, Server 2016 and Server 2019?

I really hope there will be support on Server OS, because when you have a large Citrix environment, users will also browse on the internet on those servers. And the users don't like to use Internet Explorer for browsing :)


Best regards,


  • Thank youconalw and blomsterharry.  We are working on bring Microsoft Edge to as many platforms as we can.  We just released for macOS this week.  It would help us understand the priority of various platforms if you could give us an idea of what scenarios we would unblock for you by bringing the browser to the various versions of Server.  Thanks in advance for the feedback.

  • J 1901's avatar
    J 1901
    Copper Contributor

    wait so Microsoft has discontinued support for Internet Exploder and is pushing for us to use Edge but I just built a couple of Windows Server 2019 machines and they don't come with Edge? wth

  • brianchris's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    blomsterharry   Edge (Chromium version) does seem to be working on Windows Server operating systems now days.  However, am I the only one who would feel better about installing Edge Chromium on my production Windows Servers, if I could just *see* those Windows Server operating systems listed as "supported" on a standard "minimum system requirements" list/web-page for the Chromium version of Edge?  Or perhaps I am just the only one who hasn't searched well enough to find an already existing minimum system requirements web-page for the Chromium version of Edge?  Thanks for any assistance with this!

    • Joakim2500's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Sadly not. 

      Still is not able to connect to anything on a Citrix-environment. Not even settngs. Using 2019-server. 

      • dmutsaers's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        I don't see this problem on Windows Server 2019 Remote Desktop Servers.

        Best regards,
    • conalw's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Unfortunately, it seems that sync with enterprise accounts still does not work on Server OS.

      • Yes, speaking about sync, i think the main problem is that Edge won't allow sign in when it's run as administrator. specially on server OS when logged in as Admin.
    • Drew1903's avatar
      Silver Contributor


      It will be.  Things take time & we are, actually, not all that long into this.  Moving along apace, really, considering the time-frame. We only started sometime in April. And, less than a mere 4 months later the Beta Channel has only just been released; and its update Builds a whooping 6 wks apart.  It's a big endeavour for the Team plus wading through heaps of Feedback whilst they are building.  Things are being added piecemeal, too.  Pretend it's a Christmas stocking, smiles coming one at a time.  But, certainly, THE Windows browser, in due time, will, also, be on Win Server.


    • HotCakeX's avatar
      Most likely it will be included in the Windows Server 2022, which is currently in Insider vNext phase.
  • Mantvydas's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Now that the beta has been released, I took the Enterprise .msi version and installed it on my Windows Server 2019 machine. It installed with no problems, but upon running it complains about Administrative mode. While annoying, after pressing X it runs smoothly.


    Just a little bit more effort from Microsoft and we might get a decent Microsoft browser on Windows Server finally, that could replace IE. One thing I'm afraid is, if Microsoft eventually makes it a Microsoft Store app only, it's dead -- as Microsoft Store is not supported on Server.

    • annapeel's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      MantvydasTried it on Server 2016 and it still doesn't work. But at least we have progress with it working on Server 2019.  

      • Rob Seiwert's avatar
        Rob Seiwert
        Copper Contributor
        You got it work on Server 2019? It loads fine but fails to bring up any web page for me and when I try to uninstall it fails to uninstall so right now all my users on that RDS server see Edge Dev but if they launch it hangs.
    • HotCakeX's avatar
      The problem Will be solved in Edge Insider Canary in October 2019.
      you can read more about it in this blog post:

      IMO it won't become a store app ever. because it doesn't need store to update, for example you can see recently in Windows insider that notepad has became a store app for better and and faster updates but the new Edge has a built in update procedure that takes care of itself. also because it is a universal multi platform program.
  • blomsterharry 

    I don't know if they will give official support for windows server 2008 R2 and up, but because windows server is based on the same windows NT kernel that home versions of windows like windows 7 (windows server 2008 R2) or windows 8.1 (windows server 2012 R2) or windows 10 (windows server 2016 and windows server 2019), it should work the same with minimal to no problems. That's all just an assumption for right now, only time will tell how well server OS is supported.
