Forum Discussion

bnenana's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 02, 2024

Edge closes upon pressing "w" in fullscreen

In fullscreen (Fn+11), if i press W microsoft edge closes.

  • bnenana 

    Hi there! It sounds like you're experiencing an issue where pressing certain keys causes unexpected behavior in Edge. Let's try a quick fix that often resolves this type of problem:

    Try Disabling Sticky Keys

    1. Open the Control Panel.
    2. Go to Ease of Access.
    3. Click Change how your keyboard works under Ease of Access Center.
    4. In the Make it easier to type section, untick the box next to Turn on Sticky Keys.

    This often resolves unexpected key behavior.

    Let me know if this works!

    Best regards,
    Wiguna Kurniawan
