Forum Discussion

Mahdi Hosseini's avatar
Mahdi Hosseini
Brass Contributor
Nov 15, 2019

Edge cannot translate pages that contain English and another language

Edge cannot translate pages that contain English and another language

Check this page for example, the content of the page is Chinese but Edge can't translate it into English

  • Mahdi Hosseini We have received similar feedback around translations and are working on improvements based on that feedback. As a temporary work around, try translating the page to another language and back to English.

  • Mahdi Hosseini We have received similar feedback around translations and are working on improvements based on that feedback. As a temporary work around, try translating the page to another language and back to English.

  • Hi Mahdi Hosseini 

    I'm experiencing the same thing on Edge insider canary Version 80.0.331.0

    I think the problem is that Edge cannot recognize the language of the web pages properly.


    in the translate pop up:



    it says "always translate pages from English", so Edge thinks this page's language is English and not Chinese or Mixed. that's why it's failing.



    then I tried to trick Edge to think that, okay the page is in English, now translate it to another language, say Russian:


    and it could successfully translate all the contents to Russian



    Elliot Kirk josh_bodner 

    • Mahdi Hosseini's avatar
      Mahdi Hosseini
      Brass Contributor
      Yes exactly thank you but Microsoft has to fix this problem I hope this report reaches them
