Forum Discussion

johnkoutsoukidis's avatar
Brass Contributor
Apr 25, 2022

Edge Canary 102.0.1236.0 crashing when closing tab

I believe it's since the latest update, that Edge is crashing every time I try to close a tab that was open from a previous session. It also doesn't write an event in the Event Log when that happens. So for now I can't close any tabs that are already open. Tabs that are opened in the new session can be closed fine, but if I accidentally close an older tab and it crashes, the newer tabs will also be bugged after I start it again following the crash.

  • These issues should be resolved in the latest Canary, let me know if you're still experiencing them!
  • Filipe Castro's avatar
    Filipe Castro
    Brass Contributor
    Also experiencing this. On Windows. It has been happening for almost a week now.
  • Weechit's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I have the very same issue, am unable to close any pre-existing tab (those which remain pinned after you restart application) as it immediately crashes Edge Canary
  • xchaser's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I have been having the same issue since like two days ago April 25. It happened on horizontal tabs.
  • YofesG's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I am having the same problem since yesterday.
    Edge Canary crashes when closing tabs from a previous session, or when detaching tabs from a previous session. vertical or horizontal tabs has no effect.
  • astkaasa's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    same since 102.0.1235, close tab will cause browser crash. roll back to 102.0.1234 save my 1000 opening tabs:lol:

  • seancorfield's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    johnkoutsoukidis When I encountered this, I was using vertical tabs and I found that I could switch to horizontal tabs and close them. But now I can't even close the horizontal tabs without it crashing. I only see the behavior on macOS -- on Windows, the latest Canary build seems fine so far.
