Forum Discussion
Discussion - Mouse cursor sometimes disappears
i'm sorry if i missed something but my problem is the one where the cursor disappears when hovering over any video. this is a constant for me and nothing I've read anywhere has a fix or even just a discussion about this particular problem. Has anyone found any kind of workaround for this problem? it's totally frustrating since i'm a video editor and have to contend with this problem constantly.
videoguy over the last few months i had played around with a number of suggestions people have put up here. somewhere along the line something must have worked. While trying to replicate my problem, video disappearing under video, now the cursor just disappears under video being played only in the VLC player. i had tried many suggestions in the VLC player groups but none ever worked for me. i guess i'm back to looking for answers from VLC users . Thanks so much for your help anyway. it was much appreciated.
- Clay_MartinMay 12, 2020Microsoft
videoguy Note that what you're describing is a feature inherent in most products that play video where when hovering the cursor over playing video it hides after a few seconds of no movement. That isn't the issue we're trying to debug here as that's effectly by design for Chromium/Firefox and legacy Edge. I'm curious, do you prefer the cursor to be shown at all times even if it's overlapping the video you're watching?