Forum Discussion
Mar 31, 2021Dev channel update to 91.0.838.3 is live
Hello Insiders! Today we’re releasing build 91.0.838.3 to the Dev channel. Before we get started, we wanted to make sure you’re aware of an opportunity we mentioned last week. If you’re a Collections user, we’re running a survey to learn more about how you use them, and as an incentive to contribute, you may even win some money! To contribute to our research, take the survey here:
We also are aware that people are continuing to see Edge sometimes display its UI in an unexpected language. If that’s the case, we’d love to know more about it, and have started a discussion here so we can learn more: As for everything that’s new in the product:
Added features:
- Sign-in and sync for personal Microsoft accounts is now turned on by default on Linux! See our announcement from last week for more details:
- The PDF mini menu is gaining two new options! When you highlight a word, you’ll now see an option to search for that word or to define it. Those two options have been promoted from the full context menu due to common use, and you can read more about it here:
- Added the ability to open the Favorites, History, etc. management pages by clicking the Favorites, History, etc. name at the top of their respective popup menus.
- Added a setting to control whether or not Sleeping Tabs appear faded.
- Added a notification to switch profiles when a website or PWA is installed in one browser profile and you try to install the same one again in another profile. Note that this has been rolling out over the past few weeks, and is now enabled by default.
- Added a management policy to control if Application Guard Traffic Identification is Enabled, which controls if Application Guard windows send extra headers to identify to web pages that they’re being showing in an Application Guard window. Note that updates to documentation or administrative templates may not have occurred yet.
Improved reliability:
- Fixed a crash on startup that occurs if Edge has allowed websites to send desktop notifications.
- Fixed an issue on Mac where Kids Mode sometimes crashes on launch.
- Fixed an issue where videos on Netflix sometimes fail to play with error D7353.
- Fixed an issue where copying text out of Information Protected PDFs causes a crash.
- Fixed a browser crash when entering Kids mode.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the … menu in PWAs or websites installed as apps crashes the browser.
- Fixed a crash when navigating to file: URLs.
- Fixed an issue where the Web Widget won’t load and just shows that “Something went wrong”.
- Fixed an issue where the Web Widget sometimes fails to open if Edge isn’t already open.
- Fixed an issue where the browser uses too much memory the longer it’s open.
Changed behavior:
- Fixed an issue where the F12 Dev Tools Console is sometimes completely blank.
- Fixed an issue where IE mode tabs appear to never wake up from being asleep, even when they’re clicked on.
- Fixed an issue where the table of contents in some PDFs are blank.
- Fixed an issue where Settings pages sometimes don’t load or are blank.
- Fixed an issue where opening certain HTML files in IE mode fails.
- Fixed an issue where certain interactions with the vertical tabs pane fail when the Find on Page popup is open.
- Fixed an issue where downloads are sometimes initiated without prompting the user beforehand even though a prompt is expected.
- Fixed an issue on Mac where scrolling doesn’t behave properly, especially when using the keyboard.
- Fixed an issue where a notification is shown to restart Edge in order to install an update, even though there’s no update available to install.
- Fixed an issue where importing data from other browsers sometimes fails.
- Fixed an issue where portions of the Web Widget sometimes becomes invisible when switching browser profiles or themes.
- Fixed an issue where certain portions of webpages sometimes don’t render or work properly.
- Fixed an issue where permission prompts from certain websites appear too small or cut off.
- Fixed an issue where the Shopping flyout sometimes doesn’t open.
- Fixed an issue where vertical tabs sometimes forget their collapse state after toggling between vertical and horizontal mode.
Known issues:
- Certain extensions such as the Microsoft Editor extension don’t work on Linux. As soon as they’re installed, they crash and are disabled. We’re currently investigating.
- Users of certain ad blocking extensions may experience playback errors on Youtube. As a workaround, temporarily disabling the extension should allow playback to proceed. See this help article for more details.
- Some users are still running into an issue where all tabs and extensions immediately crash with a STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH error. The most common cause of this error is outdated security or antivirus software from vendors like Symantec, and in those cases, updating that software will fix it.
- Users of the Kaspersky Internet Suite who have the associated extension installed may sometimes see webpages like Gmail fail to load. This failure is due to the main Kaspersky software being out of date, and is thus fixed by making sure the latest version is installed.
- Some users are still seeing favorites get duplicated. This issue should be reduced now that automatic deduplication has been introduced into Insider channels, but we’re still rolling that out in Stable. We’ve also seen duplication happen when running the manual deduplicator on multiple machines before either machine has a chance to fully sync its changes, so make sure to leave plenty of time in between runs of the deduplicator.
- Some users are seeing “wobbling” behavior when scrolling using trackpad gestures or touchscreens, where scrolling in one dimension also causes the page to subtly scroll back and forth in the other. Note that this only affects certain websites and seems to be worse on certain devices. This is most likely related to our ongoing work to bring scrolling back to parity with Edge Legacy’s behavior, so if this behavior is undesirable, you can temporarily turn it off by disabling the edge://flags/#edge-experimental-scrolling flag.
A special thanks to all our Linux users for helping us get to the point where we could turn on sign-in and sync!
- jesuismeyBrass Contributor
josh_bodner any chance you could use PDFKit instead of PDFium on macOS for viewing and editing PDFs? It's much faster on Macs!
- CatBabylonCopper Contributor
josh_bodner with flags --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland enabled and fractional scaling set to 1.25x the web pages are almost completely frozen with only the top left quarter able to scroll.
I see this in the gpu log:
[4737:4737:0406/] : Passthrough is not supported, GL is egl
With fractional scaling in wayland turned off, the same error appers but there are no visual issues. I have chromium installed with the same flags and that does not suffer the same visual glitches or report the above error.
- Dhavaldk123Copper ContributorAfter updating to latest version I am facing crashes on starting on parrot os.
Since today have tried reinstalling and uninstall and install. But still issue remains. - stevexyzBrass ContributorThis version seems to have fixed my issues with Tab Hover Cards -- they are much better and don't interfere with closing tabs. Opening new tabs also seems noticeably faster. This is on MacOS.
- gookeyCopper ContributorHello.
I had to go back to version, 90.0.789.1 to be able to use the text to speech feature.
In my experience, from version 90.0.789.1 onwards, Microsoft Online voices are not shown in the voice configuration section in Edge Linux.
I have tried these versions on Fedora 32:
microsoft-edge-dev-90.0.789.1-1.x86_64 - Voice Ok
microsoft-edge-dev-90.0.796.0-1.x86_64 - Voice Bad
microsoft-edge-dev-90.0.810.1-1.x86_64 - Voice Bad
microsoft-edge-dev-90.0.818.6-1.x86_64 - Voice Bad
microsoft-edge-dev-90.0.782.0-1.x86_64 - Voice Bad
microsoft-edge-dev-91.0.838.3-1.x86_64 - Voice Bad
Please consider the following suggestions.
In many cases it is better to use the text-to-speech function on the page in normal mode (not in reading mode).
I also think that it is important to have an option to read the text selection, instead of entering the reading mode.
On the other hand, the new options to configure the reading mode are welcome and very useful.
I regret not being able to use them, as Edge's voice system is broken in the version microsoft-edge-dev-91.0.838.3-1.x86_64.
Greetings- josh_bodner
gookey Let me ask if this is a known issue. In the meantime, there also used to be some known problems with the Online voices when you have certain settings enabled. Specifically, are you using Strict tracking prevention, or do you have video autoplay settings set to "Block"? If so, does changing them to something less strict help?
- bioni1000Copper Contributor
导入收藏夹问题那个版本修复? josh_bodner
- josh_bodner
bioni1000 appears to be fixed in today's Dev update, can you verify?
- bioni1000Copper Contributor
- fede_lopryCopper ContributorThanks a lot for the update, in this version the developers have also fixed the problem of lagging webcam on M1 Mac 😉
- vsterkinIron Contributor
Hello josh_bodner
There's one update missing from the change log - a new flag edge://flags/#edge-history-accelerator-override (Enable history accelerator to open the full page). It's an important one [for power users], because it addresses an issue of the broken Ctrl+H workflow introduced with the new History pane.On the one hand, I'd like to thank the Dev team for listening to our feedback. On the other hand, I'd like to request a permanent setting for this flag. Because we all know what happens to flags - they disappear and never come back. And so does our UX.
Vadim- josh_bodner
vsterkin I believe we plan on experimenting with with that, which is why I didn't mention it yet. Usually I don't mention active experiments or for that matter changes to anything on the flags page unless the only way we plan on enabling a feature for the time being is via its flag.
- Tio_DepSteel Contributor
indeed, would it be possible to evolve edge android and edge on tablet (with a home screen background on edge for tablet)
Thanks - mrfry700Iron ContributorHello,
How to hide extensions icons without the extension button enabled?