Forum Discussion

MissyQ's avatar
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Sep 29, 2020

Dev channel update to 87.0.654.0 is live

Hello Insiders! Today we’re releasing build 87.0.654.0 to the Dev channel.  After last week, it’s back to being a small week for updates this week, but here’s everything we’ve got: 


Added features: 


  • Rolled out Share, Copy, and Paste Settings more broadly. 
  • Extended formatted link copying capabilities to links copied from webpages. 


Improved reliability: 


  • Fixed a crash on startup due to sync. 
  • Fixed a crash when closing the browser while the Guided Switch dialog is open. 
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the IE logo next to the address bar in IE mode tabs crashes the browser. 
  • Fixed a crash when printing. 
  • Fixed a hang when using IE mode and loading pages in other tabs. 
  • Fixed an issue where sidebar Search sometimes fails. 
  • Fixed an issue where using Save As sometimes fails to save PDFs after they’ve been edited. 


Changed behavior: 


  • Fixed an issue where importing payment info from other browsers fails when Edge is set to not save payment info entered into webpages. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Jumplist sometimes is missing. 
  • Fixed an issue where Family Safety sometimes doesn’t work in InPrivate windows.  
  • Fixed an issue where Taskbar shortcuts sometimes don’t show the proper account picture. 
  • Fixed an issue where websites installed as apps sometimes don’t have the proper name in Windows. 
  • Fixed an issue where deleted search engines sometimes return after restarting the browser. 
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a Collection to OneNote sometimes doesn’t export all the images. 
  • Fixed an issue where shift+clicking in PDFs unselects any selected text instead of extending the selection. 
  • Fixed an issue where searching on the Extensions management page sometimes incorrectly shows a popup that an extension has been removed. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Translate popup sometimes shows the wrong language compared to what language the page has actually been translated to. 
  • Fixed an issue where Shy UI sometimes dismisses when it shouldn’t. 
  • Fixed an issue where the management policy to Configure On Premises Account Auto Sign In doesn’t work properly for some device configurations. 
  • Temporarily disabled Tab Groups. 


Known issues: 


  • Users of certain ad blocking extensions may experience playback errors on Youtube.  As a workaround, temporarily disabling the extension should allow playback to proceed.  See for more details. 
  • Some users are still running into an issue where all tabs and extensions immediately crash with a STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH error.  The most common cause of this error is outdated security or antivirus software from vendors like Symantec, and in those cases, updating that software will fix it. 
  • Users of the Kaspersky Internet Suite who have the associated extension installed may sometimes see webpages like Gmail fail to load.  This failure is due to the main Kaspersky software being out of date, and is thus fixed by making sure the latest version is installed. 
  • Some users are seeing favorites get duplicated after we made some previous fixes in that area. The most common way this is triggered is by installing the Stable channel of Edge and then signing into it with an account that has already signed into Edge before.  Fixing this should be easier now that the deduplicator tool is available.  However, we’ve also seen duplication happen when running the deduplicator on multiple machines before either machine has a chance to fully sync its changes, so while we wait for some of the fixes we’ve made to come to Stable, make sure to leave plenty of time in between runs of the deduplicator. 
  • After an initial fix for it recently, some users are still experiencing Edge windows becoming all black.  Opening the Browser Task Manager (keyboard shortcut is shift + esc) and killing the GPU process usually fixes it.  Note that this only appears to affect users with certain hardware and is most easily triggered by resizing an Edge window.  For users with discrete GPUs, updating graphics drivers may help. 
  • Some users are seeing “wobbling” behavior when scrolling using trackpad gestures or touchscreens, where scrolling in one dimension also causes the page to subtly scroll back and forth in the other.  Note that this only affects certain websites and seems to be worse on certain devices.  This is most likely related to our ongoing work to bring scrolling back to parity with Edge Legacy’s behavior, so if this behavior is undesirable, you can temporarily turn it off by disabling the edge://flags/#edge-experimental-scrolling flag. 
  • There are some issues where users with multiple audio output devices sometimes don’t get any sound from Edge. In one case, Edge becomes muted in the Windows Volume Mixer and unmuting it fixes it.  In another, restarting the browser fixes it. 


As always, you’re the ones who make this all possible! 
