Forum Discussion
Dev channel update to 86.0.622.3 is live
josh_bodner Love the recent builds. That said, I noticed a strange behaviour when using Alt-Tab with Edge open in recent builds.
With Edge open, the current app sometimes doesn't appear as the 'first' app when invoking the Alt-Tab menu, this behaviour only occurs when Edge is open/running interestingly.
Video of the behaviour (copy included below as well): I am pressing Alt+Tab then letting both keys go after each time.
Not sure if this is a bug or changed behaviour.
longlam It's a little hard to tell from your video what actions you're taking to result in that behavior, can you describe it a little more?
- longlamSep 10, 2020Copper Contributor
josh_bodner Of course! I was:
1. Hold down Alt
2. Press and release Tab
3. Release Alt
Repeat these 3 steps relatively quickly and the behaviour occurs when Edge is open.
I've reproduced this using the on-screen keyboard so that it's more obvious what I'm pressing:, copy included below as well.
- josh_bodnerSep 11, 2020Microsoft
longlam Okay, so I think the best way to describe this issue would be, sometimes you alt+tab to what should be Edge, but instead of switching to Edge, a different window is brought to the front (in this example, the alarms app). What version of Windows are you seeing this on? And also, can you see if you can get this to happen in an older version of Edge like Beta? The reason I ask is because I've seen weird things happen with Windows alt+tab in general where I switch to an application, but a completely different window is brought to the front. And in that case, the application wasn't Edge. So, if you can get it to happen with an older version of Edge (or even another app that can have multiple windows, like Word or Excel), that would actually point to an issue with Windows, which is what I'd like to try to rule out.
- longlamSep 11, 2020Copper Contributor
Right, that's the perfect description. I'm on Windows version 20H2 build 19042.508. I got it to happen on Beta and Stable as well, only recently though, I think it started happening when the update that shows Edge tabs in the Alt-Tab menu came.
It seems to happen only if Edge is the first or second app interestingly, if it's the 3rd or further and not selected, the issue just never occurs.
So in short, it only happens when Edge is running and is the 'front' app. Occurs on Dev, Beta and Stable, currently on Windows version 20H2 build 19042.508.