Forum Discussion
May 12, 2020Dev channel update to 84.0.508.0 is live
Hello Insiders! Today we’re releasing build 84.0.508.0 to the Dev channel. This week, we’ve got some detailed steps on how to nickname payment cards you’ve saved to your Edge profile: https://tech...
May 12, 2020Steel Contributor
The loss of options for images on the New Tab Page I had in Canary before a later update restored them has now happened in Dev.
The loss of the edge://flags/ setting to 'Force Dark Mode for Web Contents' I had in Canary - it's moved to the 'Unavailable' column - has now happened in Dev too. This is a HUGE issue for me.
You are still saying that the ability to disable the 'Microsoft Edge scrolling personality' is temporary. Until I know it is permanent I will never consider making Edge my default browser. I want and will only accept the normal Windows 10 scrolling behaviour I get with that set to disabled so it behaves like all my other programs. If it starts scrolling like Legacy Edge with no choice, I'm off.
Still no ability to sync History with Android Edge. Still no ability to access edge://flags (or any edge:// page) in Android Edge; still no ability to pin the sites I want to the new tab page in Android Edge; still no ability to darken web pages in Android Edge either through the #enable-force-dark flag or through ability to use the Dark Reader extension; still no ability in Android Edge to move control bar to the top.
For me to move to Edge BOTH desktop and phone app have to be acceptable to me - it's both or neither. It continues too be neither, and overall to be going backwards.
You appear to be doing none of the things I want or need, and just doing things that to me make things worse (like removing the enable force dark, and trying to insist on a scrolling behaviour I find repellent). You're rapidly running out of time to convince me to move to Edge.
Mike Glenn
May 13, 2020Steel Contributor
Another +1 for bringing back the Force Dark Mode on Web pages experimental flag. Or at the very least, give us some explanation of why its been removed and if it will ever come back.
I've submitted multiple reports over the last six months about contrast on page elements, such as check boxes, being low to non-existent on some sites (which if course renders them invisible). I haven't noticed any progress on this issue or any aspect of Force Dark Mode which makes me wonder if it's being worked on it at all.
The idea of adding a per-site on/off toggle (temporary) and blacklist (permanent) is discussed in this thread as a workaround for websites with insurmountable issues.
While we're waiting for news on Force Dark Mode on Websites, I recommend trying Dark Reader from the Chrome Store. Warning: there is a page load performance hit, but IMO this is a far better option than switching back to Chrome!