Forum Discussion
Dec 13, 2022Microsoft
Dev Channel update to 110.0.1556.0 is live
Hello Insiders! Today, we are releasing build 110.0.1556.0 to the Dev channel, which includes a variety of fixes and new features. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below.
Dec 22, 2022Brass Contributor
Eric_E 我注意到新的版本中,打开收藏夹栏的网站时,浏览器会自动在一个新标签页打开,虽然比较方便,但是打开比较多的网站后,标签页过多,显得过于密集和杂乱。能不能提供一个选项,让用户自己选择?
Dec 22, 2022Microsoft
我们使用翻译服务以您的语言为您提供帮助。 由于翻译,可能偶尔会出现语法错误或奇怪的措辞。 如果您知道该语言,我们还提供了英文版本。
ybgjj2009 我们在 Dev 和 Canary 中有一个设置,允许您在新选项卡中关闭打开收藏夹。
- 单击三点菜单按钮。
- 单击设置。
- 单击外观。
- 在显示收藏夹栏下,您可以关闭始终在新选项卡中打开收藏夹。
We use a translation service to provide you with assistance in your language. There may be occasional grammatical errors or odd phrasings due to the translation. We also included the English version in case you know the language.
ybgjj2009 We have a setting in Dev and Canary that allows you to turn off the opening favorites in a new tab.
- Click on the three dots menu button.
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Appearance.
- Under the Show favorites bar, you can turn off Always open favorites in new tab.