Forum Discussion
Feb 09, 2022Dev channel update to 100.0.1156.1 is live
Hello Insiders, it’s a historic day today! First, we’re releasing build 100.0.1156.1 to the Dev channel, which as you can see, is the first build of version 100! Second, we’re excited to announce that the long-awaited capability to sign into the browser with a work or school account on Linux is now enabled by default! This functionality will be available in Beta and Stable once version 100 hits those channels, as usual.
Community-wise, we’d like to hear from you! Please consider taking our regularly-scheduled survey here to tell us how we’re doing in our engagement with you and how we can do better:
We’ve also got an overview of the work we’ve been doing in our extensions download website to improve extension discoverability: As well as some new functionality in Dev Tools that lets you un-minify your code for easier debugging:
As for everything else that’s new and exciting in the browser:
Added features:
- Added info to the Performance Hub about how much savings Sleeping Tabs are providing.
- Enabled by default the Rewards hub.
Improved reliability:
- Fixed a crash when searching for words in a PDF.
- Fixed a crash when signing into the browser.
- Fixed a crash when using Guest mode windows.
- Fixed a crash when sending feedback.
- Fixed an issue where the Rewards Hub crashes.
- Fixed a crash on Mac when using Read Aloud.
- Fixed a hang when viewing tooltips or other popups that appear when hovering over IE mode tabs.
Changed behavior:
- Changed the JavaScript Share API to call the new Share flyout when available.
- Changed Startup Boost to be enablable even when conflicting extensions are present.
- Fixed an issue where Find on Page sometimes gets stuck and can’t advance to the next match when iterating through all the matches.
- Fixed an issue where clicking a misspelled word sometimes doesn’t bring up the spellcheck suggestions card to fix it.
- Fixed an issue where the setting to Open System Preferences For Captions doesn’t work.
- Fixed an issue with WebView2 apps where the IsMuted attribute can’t be set if media isn’t playing (Issue 2120).
Known issues:
- Users of certain ad blocking extensions may experience playback errors on YouTube. As a workaround, temporarily disabling the extension should allow playback to proceed. See this help article for more details.
- Some users are still running into an issue where all tabs and extensions immediately crash with a STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH error. The most common cause of this error is outdated security or antivirus software from vendors like Symantec, and in those cases, updating that software will fix it.
- Users of the Kaspersky Internet Suite who have the associated extension installed may sometimes see webpages like Gmail fail to load. This failure is due to the main Kaspersky software being out of date, and is thus fixed by making sure the latest version is installed.
- Some users are seeing “wobbling” behavior when scrolling using trackpad gestures or touchscreens, where scrolling in one dimension also causes the page to subtly scroll back and forth in the other. Note that this only affects certain websites and seems to be worse on certain devices. This is most likely related to our ongoing work to bring scrolling back to parity with Edge Legacy’s behavior, so if this behavior is undesirable, you can temporarily turn it off by disabling the edge://flags/#edge-experimental-scrolling flag.
Since 100 is now in Dev, you should also see 99 in Beta shortly!
- LustigeslieschenCopper Contributor
Das ist fein, dass der von mir gemeldete Fehler (keine korrekte Farbdarstellung der vertikalen Tableiste) nun nicht mehr vorhanden ist, und zwar mit dem nachfolgenden Update der Edge Dev, die 100.0.1163.1 über Windows 10 und 11.
- mortenb123Copper ContributorHi found the reason for the linux crashing in container, it is the same in chrome99:
it is the --shmem-size need to be above 64m, msedge99 and below was fine
docker run -ti --shm-size='128m' xxxxxxxxxxxxx:4567/testtools/python-webdrivers/python-edge:100 /bin/bash
(base) root@b01f874dff6a:/# microsoft-edge --version
Microsoft Edge 100.0.1156.1 dev
(base) root@b01f874dff6a:/# msedgedriver --version
MSEdgeDriver 100.0.1156.1 (2b550e412abe9f348c4c9d83fd548b7540811d16)
(base) root@b01f874dff6a:/# cd /test/headless-selenium-test; export WEBDRIVER='edgeheadless'; ./
20220215143435.940|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|Dette er Buypass
20220215143436.153|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|2,9 milliarder i formidlet betaling hver måned
20220215143436.288|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|200 millioner meldinger sikret i helsesektoren i 2019
20220215143436.408|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|2 900 000 personer bruker Buypass ID
20220215143436.534|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|80 millioner ganger brukes Buypass ID i snitt per måned
20220215143436.652|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|1 300 000 brukere i mobile kanaler
20220215143436.810|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|100 000 e-resepter signeres daglig med Buypass ID og Virksomhets ID
20220215143436.951|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|4400 offentlige nettjenester kan nås med Buypass ID via ID-porten
20220215143437.074|INFO|/test/headless-selenium-test/./|4000 idrettslag knyttet til Buypass ID og betaling- mortenb123Copper Contributorit can be fixed by adding the --disable-dev-shm-usage options to --headless
- TheProphetOfSoupCopper Contributor
josh_bodner literally could not care less about updates until you give me back workspaces
- ms_rschloecher2022Copper Contributor
josh_bodner Es macht keinen Sinn, sich selbst zu feiern, wenn durch Euer bescheidenes Update beim Nutzer das System abgeschossen wird und im Anschluss die Löschung von Cookies und nicht mehr benötigten dateien nicht mehr finktioniert. Damit wird mein System unsicher und angreifbar. Ist es wieder so ein US- oder NSA- oder anderer Geheimdinenst-Trojaner oder exec-Virus ?
Es besteht kein Vertrauen mehr zu Microsofts unduchsichtiger Art und Weise, seine zahlenden Käufer zu brüskieren und auszuforschen und deren Arbeit zu stören und deren Zeit zu stehlen.
Es wird Zeit, dass wir uns Alternativen zu Microsoft zuwenden und Euch Geiern den Saft abdrehen.
Hans-Peter Petrick
- Reza_AmeriSilver ContributorThank you for sharing
- mortenb123Copper ContributorCrashes on ubuntu20:04LTS, python3.10.2, selenium==4.1.0, would be nice with a better stacktrace
$ microsoft-edge --version
Microsoft Edge 100.0.1156.1 dev
$ msedgedriver --version
MSEdgeDriver 100.0.1156.1 (2b550e412abe9f348c4c9d83fd548b7540811d16)
$ bash -c -l "cd /test/headless-selenium-test; export WEBDRIVER='edgeheadless'; ./"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/test/headless-selenium-test/./", line 118, in <module>
File "/root/.pyenv/versions/base/lib/python3.10/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 429, in get
self.execute(Command.GET, {'url': url})
File "/root/.pyenv/versions/base/lib/python3.10/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 417, in execute
File "/root/.pyenv/versions/base/lib/python3.10/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 243, in check_response
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: session deleted because of page crash
from unknown error: cannot determine loading status
from tab crashed
(Session info: headless MicrosoftEdge=100.0.1156.1)
#0 0x561478e0c4a3 <unknown>
#1 0x561478b26be7 <unknown>
#2 0x561478b14efd <unknown>
#3 0x561478b148bc <unknown>
#4 0x561478b13e35 <unknown>
#5 0x561478b12c4a <unknown>
#6 0x561478b1308b <unknown>
#7 0x561478b206e3 <unknown>
#8 0x561478b20ef2 <unknown>
#9 0x561478b2e38d <unknown>
#10 0x561478b3147a <unknown>
#11 0x561478b134e6 <unknown>
#12 0x561478b2df1c <unknown>
#13 0x561478b906b8 <unknown>
#14 0x561478b7d0c3 <unknown>
#15 0x561478b53ba1 <unknown>
#16 0x561478b54d65 <unknown>
#17 0x561478e35b47 <unknown>
#18 0x561478e4671d <unknown>
#19 0x561478e46499 <unknown>
#20 0x561478e46bc2 <unknown>
#21 0x561478e3703b <unknown>
#22 0x561478e46e83 <unknown>
#23 0x561478e2d045 <unknown>
#24 0x561478e5e718 <unknown>
#25 0x561478e5e8c8 <unknown>
#26 0x561478e77ffe <unknown>
#27 0x7f66113e8609 <unknown>
``` - Simple_BalayeurBrass Contributor
- kumikoCopper Contributorwhy did you remove the dark mode from the flags in android? i had to switch to the stable version, are you going to put it back or have you removed it for ever?
- josh_bodner
kumiko the flag expired everywhere, and it's owned by Chromium, not us, so we've made sure they're aware, but will have to wait on them to bring it back.
- Ayushman_7Copper Contributor
- LustigeslieschenCopper Contributor
Die vertikale Tableiste wird lediglich bei Standard bei Systemstandard, Hell und Dunkel einwandfrei angezeigt. Jedoch andersfarbige Designs werden nicht korrekt ausgewiesen, sondern stattdessen in der Farbe Rot.