Forum Discussion
Elliot Kirk
Apr 13, 2020Microsoft Edge extends tools for the PDF reader
The integrated PDF reader in the legacy Microsoft Edge browser is deeply loved by many of you and we have been getting feedback about the availability of those features in the new version of Microsof...
Dec 18, 2020Copper Contributor
Hey there. I love the current features for annotating a PDF, but would like to have the "undo" function, although I have been making do with "erase." It would also be helpful to be able to switch between one-page view and two-page view. I thought that function used to be there, but it looks like it isn't currently.
Being able to type on the document would be quite helpful, but so far, I work around it.
The color selection and ability to change the width for the pen is wonderful. It helps that there are multiple highlighter colors too, although a few more highlighter colors would be great. It would also be helpful to be able to use the highlighter just like the pen - to be able to highlight things that aren't just typed letters. (Currently, it seems I can only highlight things the viewer recognizes as text and usually it highlights each individual letter with gaps for every space, which looks weird).
Overall, I love what's been done with it so far! Microsoft Edge is now the main PDF viewer and basic editor I use! It's been very helpful when I'm working as a script supervisor on a film and need to make notes directly on the script (this is where being able to type in rather than hand-write notes sometimes would be a huge help) and be able to email that off to the director and editor at the end of each shooting day.