Forum Discussion
Elliot Kirk
Jun 03, 2019Autofill in Microsoft Edge
Autofill of forms is a feature familiar to most Microsoft Edge customers (or for that matter, users of most modern browsers). In the next version of Microsoft Edge too, you can expect the browser to remember your passwords for all your favorite websites and help you fill in your address and credit card details with one-click whenever you come across these forms online. In this post, we will cover some of these features that you’ve come to depend on and use in your everyday life.
View and Delete passwords within Microsoft Edge itself
Earlier, one needed to go to Windows Settings > Credentials Manager to view and delete saved passwords. Now this functionality is available within Microsoft Edge browser itself. You can View (after authenticating) and Delete your saved passwords in Settings > Profiles > Passwords.
Autofill suggestions made more usable
These changes have been made to improve the form suggestions experience.
Full preview of address data with field highlighting
Filling an address form can sometimes involve effort even with autofill, especially when you have multiple similar addresses saved. Microsoft Edge lets you preview your autofill data for all suggestions within the same dropdown itself, making it easier to choose the right address to fill.
To help you quickly select the autofill suggestion, the value corresponding to the field currently in focus is highlighted in the suggestions.
Ease of access for credentials
In login forms, Microsoft Edge now offers the ability to choose a credential pair both from the username field as well as the password field.
Browser data import for a seamless transition
A possible roadblock to try out a new browser is the unavailability of data that’s important to you, such as your favorites, passwords and other autofill data. Microsoft Edge smoothly overcomes this hurdle by making your passwords, payment info and addresses available right from the first launch.
Upon browser setup, you may choose to keep your data from another browser. If so, you will find all your form data under Settings > Profile and you can manage your data as needed. If you have credit cards that are linked to your Microsoft account, you will not be able to view them yet in the autofill interface. This will be available soon.
There is also an option to import all your autofill data on-demand, again through Settings > Profile. Remember that your existing data set will be replaced by the new data you import.
Sync autofill data across your devices
Work on syncing data across different devices is currently underway – expect these changes to reflect in the upcoming builds.
Control over your autofill data
As a Microsoft Edge user, you have full control on the autofill feature as well as your autofill data. It is important to us that you can easily view, delete and manage your personal data at any point of time. You can also enable/disable the whole feature for passwords, payment info and addresses, respectively.
Looking ahead
This is just the beginning. We know that your time is super valuable. And every second that we spare you from typing out your details each time you shop online, or every bit of mind space we free up from remembering a complex password, counts. Which is why, in the new Microsoft Edge it is important that you get a reliable autofill experience that works intuitively whenever you come across a form on the web.
And to get there, we need your help. You can help us by sharing examples of areas where autofill in Microsoft Edge can do better.
We look forward to your inputs!
- MariaJavierCopper Contributor
Not sure when this took effect, but it appears the latest Edge version will never autofill the login field. Users must enter in their login after which when the password field appears, this is when the autofill option appears for Edge. I have a user who only wants his login saved. He manually must go to edge://wallet/passwords to view his login rather than having Edge autofill the login. I noticed it for myself as well - I am only prompted to autofill the password only after I have manually entered in my login info to any site.
- Travis_OCopper Contributor
Elliot Kirk Just a suggestion but I would really love the password generation feature that Chrome has. Since switching full time to Edge Chromium I really really miss that feature and have reverted back to the same 4 or 5 passwords that I use haha.
- Michael McCrearyCopper Contributor
Is it me or does the autofill text use a static font size? I'm getting the behavior that the text is a bit smaller than what my CSS (Bootstrap) specifies for the login form. When I click on the text field the font will immediately adjust to the correct size. It's just on that initial render and autofill that the size isn't quite correct.
- viniciusbezerraIron Contributori'm new here so sorry if my question is in the wrong place, considering the BETA stage is it safe to log in to websites normally? I mean social networks, traditional non-banking sites
- Drew1903Silver Contributor
Hi Vini & welcome,
This is a fine, if not perfect place for your question & the answer is YES. Naturally & certainly, being betas, these are not finished products, but, they are safe to use. I should add, IF you are running the Beta Channel, although it receives updates as infrequently as every 6 wks, it is the most 'solid' of the 3; stays stagnant longer, but, will have the fewest 'issues'.
Drew - Eric_Lawrence
viniciusbezerra - Yes, Edge is ready for general use. Many of us have been using it as our default browser for many months. You might find occasional bugs and other problems that are corrected as new updates are released, but it's unlikely that you'll hit any serious problems.
- Hubert DaubmeierCopper ContributorI would like to suggest to enable better mass deletion of password entries. Currently there are three dots (click) - then select delete (click). At least one too many. And it would easily avoid the unnecessary confusion of where to find basic editing functions. Ok admit, I hate that pest of picture guesing everywhere. How to better build this can be seen for those passwords grouped under "never saved". Clear signal what the button is supposed to do. Does it in simple, straight forward action.
- RaptorCZBrass Contributor
Elliot Kirk When RoboForm extension is installed, integrated autofill is disabled. Why? It was working fine before. I want to save some passwords in RoboForm and some just in Edge. Why I have to choose?
- khuongduybuiCopper Contributor
Elliot Kirk This may sound counter-intuitive, but I think you should consider investing in integration with popular password / autofill managers such as LastPass and Dashlane. Basically, the ideal scenarios would be like this:
At official release of Edge C, I will be able to link my current LastPass / Dashlane to my Windows account.
No extensions needed to be installed. I can access (read & write) passwords / personal info stored in LastPass / Dashlane via native Edge C user experience.
As Edge C password / autofill manager features mature, particularly syncing across devices and sharing among family members, I'm provided a way to import from LastPass / Dashlane into Edge C and retire my LastPass / Dashlane accounts. When browsing, I will continue to use the native Edge C user experience I will have grown familiar with by then.
- leon_hCopper Contributor
I like what i see so far, but i kind of wish this would work more like a password manager. When i go to a website i have to log onto the password manager before it will fill the password. So it provides a second login. I suppose logging into Windows is a similar control but if you leave your computer on someone else would be able to get to all your websites that have saved passwords in Edge.
It would be nice to have a password generator button on a website when you want to change a password. Is that something you plan on adding? Enpass password manager has a nifty setup for specifying how complicated you want passwords to be, how long, include upper and lower case, numbers, symbols, pronounceable words or just nonsense. Any password generator would be a great addition.
- MirronelliCopper Contributor
Please make sure, the website devs have control over the autofill. There are situations where chrome wrongly suggests autocomplete options into unrelated fields. And since they also ignore autocomplete=off, it may happen that the browser automatically fills in a password to a form field that has nothing to do with the origin of the password thus sending the user password to a new site.
- laalithya
Mirronelli thanks for your feedback. If you see such an issue happening for some site in Edge please let us know. You can share you feedback by clicking on the smiley on the top right corner of the browser.
- Helios CommsIron Contributor
Elliot Kirk will all these configuration settings roam/sync with AAD (Azure Active Directory) accounts as used with Office 365? One of the reasons my clients moved from Edge to Chrome was that Microsoft actively disable settings sync if you're on AD basic subscription. So if your laptop blew up, bang - all your settings and favourites are lost. And upgrading to Azure Premium just for synchronisation wasn't cost justified esp. Chrome did other things better (like multiple profiles/people).