Forum Discussion
Announcing a new way to paste URLs, Link format!
MissyQ No, just no !
Pourquoi vous faites ça ?
Quand je partage un lien, je veux avoir l'image preview, le titre et la description pas juste du texte.
A quoi servent les twitter card, ... avec votre trucs ? C'est incompréhensible pour tout le monde.
Quand je partage un lien sur Slack, mes interlocuteurs ne savent pas où cliquer pour aller voir le lien que je partage. Avec une image, un titre et une description, c'était bien mieux.
J'espère vraiment que cette nouvelle façon de copier/coller des liens sera enlevé ou au moins qu'elle ne sera pas utilisé par défaut. Ctrl+V = Plain Text & Ctrl+Shift+V = votre f*** fonction.
Without seem better !
- JaredB81Sep 16, 2020Microsoft
Nico_Popy Merci!
I will respond in English as my French is not the best (though I understood most of your post by reading it and the rest I was able to translate with Microsoft Translator on Bing).
As Missy points out in the original post, our research showed that many users prefer a human readable link than a long URL even with a preview. However, we also found that some users really do appreciate the preview that some sites generate, as you clearly do. You are not alone :).
In our testing, we have found that most sites that generate a preview image still do with the new link format. That's not 100% consistent however. Thank you for letting us know that you use Twitter and Slack and that you would appreciate previews for those sites as well, even with the new format.
We of course will follow up with Twitter and Slack regarding generating previews for the new Link format and we will follow up with other sites we find either in our testing or via feedback (so please keep the feedback coming)!
Finally, if you prefer the plain text format which will result in previews generated by Twitter and Slack, more often than you prefer the link format, you can always change your default back to Plain Text in edge://settings/shareCopyPaste
Merci boucoup!
- dannydwarrenSep 20, 2020Copper Contributor
Nico_Popy Looks like the latest version of Edge Dev (Version 87.0.637.0 (Official build) dev (64-bit)) fixes the normal "Ctrl + v" but broke "Ctrl + Shift + v"
- JaredB81Sep 22, 2020Microsoft
Thank you, dannydwarren. Would you mind describing how Ctrl + Shift + V is not working for you? What are your exact steps to reproduce the issue?
Jared - dannydwarrenSep 22, 2020Copper Contributor
So it looks like it depends on the site. Some work and some don't 😞
Maybe pipes '|' break it?
- JaredB81Sep 22, 2020Microsoft
Thank you again, dannydwarren.
Yes, it is dependent on the site into which you are pasting. In our testing, we found most work well, however there has been some feedback on this thread of some cases that do not work as expected.
We are working to make this work well on as many sites as possible.
Can you give me a bit more information about the case that didn't work well for you? What site were you trying to paste it into?