Forum Discussion

Olaf Huber's avatar
Olaf Huber
Copper Contributor
Nov 15, 2018

Does digital transformation really speed up our work?

Hello Community


May be it is due to my age (born in the early 1970s) and being grown up "analog" instead of being a digital native.

But I wonder: Is Office 365 (or more neutral: the digital transformation) really speeding our daily work?


Office 365 was introduce some month ago in our company, with no much guidance what so ever. So conditioned over decades with structures like local directories, on prem net drives, etc. we now have to deal with OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, and the like and find out how to use them properly. Besides that we also have a PLM System and CAD we have to deal with.

And each one of which has its own community.


Since some weeks I have the feeling I spent at least 3/4 of my daily work time reading and learning in communities, knowledge bases and the like. Or posting and asking for help in support blogs.

Just to keep up and learn how to use the daily upcoming new tools properly.


Maybe this is in the nature of the "digital transition" but looking at the numbers of posts and members I cannot get rid of the feeling that more "work" is done here in communities than there is done in the company.


I hope I do not violate the consent rules of the forum but I guess such a viewpoint should be allowed in a driven adoption community.


I am interested in your opinions.

  • Fred Y's avatar
    Fred Y
    Iron Contributor

    Hi, Olaf Huber.
    First, it is not a generational thing since I'm from the same era too. 


    Most of the time, technology roll-outs are more driven as tool-centric rather than business case being addressed. This is a formula for failure especially for collaboration since most people will stick with familiar tools. 


    The most successful projects I've had were those driven by end-users that have recognized the current status quo will not work and so a change plan needs to be in place just as Marlina McKay mentioned. Actually, I was posting about this topic in the hashtag below. 



  • Marlina McKay's avatar
    Marlina McKay
    Copper Contributor

    Digital transformation done properly and rightly sized speeds up work. It looks like you had no real training program. New tools, processes and procedures need training and documentation period. Tech has changed all throughout history (cars, typewriter, etc), but they seem to come faster in the digital age. I don't think you have an deficit, but poor change management is probably to blame. You are putting in work. There many people that don't want to learn new things. They complain and put in the exact same tickets with help desk.  Change management is actually my continual challenge as person who introduces new tech into my environment. How can I optimize these things so we can get the benefits technology has promised us? Good luck.
