Forum Discussion
Mar 19, 2020Copper Contributor
Can O365 monthly IP changes be done with URLs only?
O365 - can monthly IP pool changes be substituted with URLs only?
Trying to avoid making Monthly IP changes? The URL changes would be done with DNS changes.
- The URLs should be used for your proxy server allow lists and the IP Addresses should be used for your firewall access control lists. For some Office 365 network endpoints you should be bypassing your proxy server such as for Teams voice media and these need to go straight to your firewall and hence the requirement for IP Addresses.
- PaulAndrewMicrosoftThe URLs should be used for your proxy server allow lists and the IP Addresses should be used for your firewall access control lists. For some Office 365 network endpoints you should be bypassing your proxy server such as for Teams voice media and these need to go straight to your firewall and hence the requirement for IP Addresses.