Forum Discussion

jasonfan2000's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 28, 2024

Unable to post, flooding error

Help!! I have just wasted 3 hours trying to post a question.

I kept seeing errors of asking me to correct the highlighted errors and try again. And it said that maximum flood limited reached.

I found previous message of someone facing the same issue. And some said to disable the setting of allowing HTML. I did it but it doesn't work.

Please help!!



      • Deleted's avatar


        On the MTC homepage, you can check (search) if before, someone has already asked a similar question that you can't post.

        Best try using Edge (as a logged-in user)  

  • jasonfan2000 We are sorry for the inconvenience. Our system is detecting possible post flooding from you. We understand it is an inconvenience, but since that can be a sign of spamming, our system discourages it.


    Every time you try to post, it will reset the clock, so we recommend waiting the full length of time it indicates for post flooding and trying again.


    Sorry for the hassle! If you’ve waited the full length of time and continue to get the error, please let us know.

  • Parece que has hecho un buen trabajo intentando solucionar el problema por tu cuenta.

    El error de "inundación" generalmente ocurre cuando se envían demasiadas solicitudes en un corto período de tiempo. Aquí hay algunas sugerencias adicionales que podrían ayudarte:

    1. **Revisa tu conexión a internet**: Asegúrate de tener una conexión estable.
    2. **Intenta publicar desde otro navegador o dispositivo**: A veces, cambiar de entorno puede resolver el problema.
    3. **Revisa el tamaño del contenido**: Si estás publicando algo con mucho texto o imágenes, intenta reducirlo y publicarlo en partes más pequeñas.
    4. **Contacta al soporte técnico**: Si nada de esto funciona, puede ser útil contactar al soporte técnico del sitio para obtener ayuda específica.

    Espero que alguna de estas sugerencias te ayude a resolver el problema.
    • panos2024b's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I get the same error. Using edge. To replicate try to post the below text. I am not changing anything as dont want to lose anything. Starts below. So the ifrst time i tried to post this i got the error about reaching flooding limit. This is a bug in your system i think. Please try to replicate. I .

      I need to access some c# code from javascript in MVC ,NET (not blazor). I have the below. This is very specific to .NET and MVC stack and not a generic ajax question like another one in stack overfow. I get no error message it just continues to the next statement after the ajax call. There could be 2 possible issues i think. My url: '/Home/CreatePostcodeFromCoordinates', is wrong. Or my C# assemply is not part of the assembly? or something similar. I am not that experienced with Web techs, I come from a DB background but can't be that difficult to get this link working right? Can't see anything else wrong. Also does the return value from C# need to be some special format or a string (as per now) is ok? this could be another reason? Thank you!

      console.log("just before /Home/CreatePostcodeFromCoordinates");

      type: "POST",
      url: '/Home/CreatePostcodeFromCoordinates',
      data: { param1: longitude, param2: latitude },
      success: function (response) {
      error: function (error) {
      • EricStarker's avatar
        Former Employee
        Hello! I see your post here (which posted before the message you posted here):

        Perhaps it gave a flood error because you tried to post the same text more than once, perhaps in multiple areas of Tech Community? Or perhaps it went into the automated review area, and it notified you and you continued to post?

        If you continue to see these errors more frequently, let us know, but we are fairly focused on upgrading to the new version of the community software next week, so even if you are experiencing some sort of bug, it likely won't have any bearing on the experience then.
    • panos2024b's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      The only way to make it work is as my post was now successful was by using Chrome.
