Forum Discussion

Allen's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
Feb 27, 2019

Managing your Tech Community profiles

Hi all,


I wanted to take a few minutes to let you know about a change we made to the community today. We hear from individuals all the time who have accidently signed up with two accounts and they would like to close one of these accounts.


From today users can now close their own account by following the below steps:


  1. Click your profile picture at the top right
  2. Click 'My Settings'
  3. Click 'Close Account'

Once an account has been deleted we can not retrieve it and you will need to sign up again. There is also a period (24-48 hours) after the delete where if you try to sign up again with the same alias that you will get an error.


If you have any problems please do reach out to the Tech Community Team.

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