Forum Discussion

Ryan Steele's avatar
Ryan Steele
Bronze Contributor
May 29, 2020

Error when trying to access private messages

Is anyone else getting an error message like the one below when they try to access their private messages from The badge on the envelope icon shows I have two unread messages but when I click on it, the drop-down panel says "No unread messages". If I click on "See All Messages" I get the error below:


An Unexpected Error has occurred.
  • Your request failed. Please contact your system administrator and provide the date and time you received the error and this Exception ID: 306F1938.

    Click your browser's Back button to continue.


I sent an email to yesterday about this but haven't had a response yet.

  • Allen's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    Ryan, We now know what is causing it. Unfortunately its being caused by a bug fix our developers did to an unrelated, or so we thought, component. They are working on a fix but it may not be ready till next week. I will of course update you when the timeline is clearer or the fix deployed, which ever happens sooner.
    • Ryan Steele's avatar
      Ryan Steele
      Bronze Contributor

      Allen The issue appears to have been resolved. Thanks for your assistance!

      • Allen's avatar
        Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

        Ryan Steele 


        Thanks for the confirmation, I got notified over night last night it had now been fixed. Sorry about the delay!

  • I have 45 Email messages inside MSTech Community and when I click on that for reading then I get a site error :



    Does anybody else have this problem on the site?


    • 53Clubs's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      FOUND IT!

      Click your user avatar in the upper right, then Choose "My Settings"

      Preferences Tab > Private Messenger

      Then "Turn On Private Messages"


      Assuming you are asking the next logical questions/comments:

      "Yes, this is ridiculously stupid"

      "If Private messages are turned off, people should absolutely NOT be able to send you private messages." 

      "If the tool is designed so badly that people CAN send you private messages even though they are turned off, you 100% should not have to look at a badge telling you how many you have, then directing you to an inaccurate and inane error message." 

      (I think I covered the bases for the most important questions. and comments.)

      • Allen's avatar
        Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager



        Thank you for posting, I am a little troubled by the 'solution' you found to the issues you were having with Private Messaging. Our community has Private Messaging enabled by default and so the only reason those steps you have listed would be relevant is if you had manually turned off private messaging previously. 


        Your message indicates you did not do that, if that's the case can you confirm when you first noticed the issue and I will review the server logs for your profile to see what went wrong and when.


        The issue you have highlighted is different to the rest of this thread as these issues were fixed months ago.


    • 53Clubs's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Yup - This is exactly what I get...

      If I can't access the messages, I'd rather just not see the notification that I have 6 of them...

      • JamesvandenBerg's avatar
        Than you you for your response
        It's to long for me, I like to know who de Administrator is for the error to handle.
  • Allen's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Ryan Steele 


    Thanks we have seen this as well, to help us confirm which of two issues we are currently tracking this error relates to, could you confirm if you have an IPv6 Connection?


    If you are not sure then go to a website like and it will run some simple connectivity tests one of them will tell you if you have a valid IPv6 Address. DO NOT POST IT HERE!

      • Ryan Steele's avatar
        Ryan Steele
        Bronze Contributor

        I see from a reply to this post that "they are working on it". It would have been nice to have a reply to my email to or from Allen but hey, I guess you can't have everything.
