Forum Discussion

bhuwan8051's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 30, 2021

WVD logging in issue

I'm facing this problem while trying to login to my WVD for the first time. After clicking on ok I'm getting logged out of the system. Please help.

  • Maybe is better if you can give us some other details. Fslogix or something else... Seems an error on the profile... Try anyway to connect with mstsc and see if you have the same error
  • lightupdifire's avatar
    Brass Contributor


    1. Get user SID, can run AD PowerShell (replace with affected user userprincipalname): get-aduser -filter {UserPrincipalName -eq ""} -Properties * | select objectSid

    2. Check every Session host in the farm and go to: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileService\References<sid affected user>"

    3. Search for value RefCount and change all values to 00

    So for example below is the current value:


    Then you change it to:



    The user will now be able to log in again.

  • I have one user that experiences this symptom about once a month. While I haven't isolated the cause, the fix is to reboot the host to unlock files in use for his profile in windows, then I rename the profile from UserProfile to XXUserProfile. That gets a quick resolution, but not helpful if it's a reoccurring problem.
    • lilalexMS's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      I agree... This is not a solution. Maybe you can see something in the log or events
  • lilalexMS's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Maybe is better if you can give us some other details. Fslogix or something else... Seems an error on the profile... Try anyway to connect with mstsc and see if you have the same error
