Forum Discussion
Windows Remote Desktop Client - You were disconnected because your session was locked
- KEmamOct 31, 2022Copper Contributor
BernardVB I have an open case with Microsoft but I still didn't get any solution . I will keep you all posted once I get an update .
- KEmamNov 07, 2022Copper Contributor
Kobyahsi There is still no clue from Microsoft side about this behavior but here is my analysis so far for troubleshooting the issue :
The issue is related to the new Single Sign-on feature that was released in September for Azure VD by attempting to authenticate to Azure Active Directory .
If I disable that feature from host pool RDP settings , the screen locks properly and asks for Password .
The issue looks related to how the conditional access policy is configured and if the account has MFA enabled .
Although I am able to login with Single Sign-on it looks like when the screen locks the MFA part kicks in and disconnect the session instead of locking the screen and this is where I see the below error in the logs :
I am currently checking with our AD Team on how to prevent MFA on those machines to see if the issue is resolved with Machine Inactivity Time and Screen Lock .
You can try the same procedure from your side by disabling Azure AD authentication to confirm the issue and check with AD Team what policies are getting applied when you enable that feature .
I will update the thread once I have that discussion and confirm if the issue is resolved .
- Mona GoldsteinOct 31, 2022Copper ContributorWaiting to see what MS tells you...having same issue.