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MarvinQuinzon's avatar
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Dec 09, 2022

What is new in Azure Virtual Desktop for November 2022

Here's what changed in November 2022:


RDP Shortpath for public networks now generally available

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Shortpath for public networks is now generally available. RDP Shortpath improves the transport reliability of Azure Virtual Desktop connections by establishing a direct User Datagram Protocol (UDP) data flow between the Remote Desktop client and session hosts. This feature will be enabled by default for all customers. For more information, see our blog post.


Azure Virtual Desktop Insights at Scale in public preview

The ability to review performance and diagnostic information across multiple host pools in one view with Azure Virtual Desktop Insights at Scale is now in public preview. For more information, see our blog post or Use Azure Virtual Desktop Insights to monitor your deployment.


Intune user configuration for Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session VMs now generally available

Microsoft Intune user scope configuration for Azure Virtual Desktop multi-session Virtual Machines (VMs) on Windows 11 is now generally available. With this feature, you’ll be able to:

  • Configure user scope policies using the Settings catalog and assign them to groups of users.
  • Configure user certificates and assign them to users.
  • Configure PowerShell scripts to install in the user context and assign them to users.

For more information, see Azure Virtual Desktop multi-session with Intune or our blog post.


Azure Active Directory Join VMs with FSLogix profiles on Azure Files now generally available

FSLogix profiles with Azure Active Directory (AD)-joined Windows 10, 11, and Windows Server 2022 VMs for hybrid users in Azure Virtual Desktop are now generally available. These FSLogix profiles let you seamlessly access file shares from Azure AD-joined VMs and use them to store your FSLogix profile containers. For more information, see our blog post.


Private endpoints from Azure Private Link for Azure Virtual Desktop are now in public preview. Private Link can enable traffic between session hosts, clients, and the Azure Virtual Desktop service to flow through a private endpoint within your virtual network instead of the public internet. For more information, see our blog post, read our overview at Use Azure Private Link with Azure Virtual Desktop (preview), or get started at Set up Private Link for Azure Virtual Desktop (preview).

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