Forum Discussion
Stefan Georgiev
Feb 09, 2021Microsoft
Simplify MSIX image creation with the MSIXMGR tool
Simplify MSIX image creation with the MSIXMGR tool
Note: The CIM functionality is currently under development. Please do not use in production environments.
This article is an overvie...
Copper Contributor
Stefan Georgiev Please provide support or example of using PowerShell. My quick dirty test failed, no error, just a GUID folder in the msixmgr\x64 path. I want to loop through all my MSIX pacakges.
$MSIXMGR = "C:\msixmgr\x64"
$MSIXPath = "C:\MSIX1"
$CimFS = "C:\CimFS"
$PackageName = "NotepadPlusPlus_7.9.1.0_x64"
If (!(Test-Path -Path $CimFS\$PackageName)) {New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CimFS\$PackageName | Out-Null}
.\msixmgr.exe -Unpack -packagePath "$MSIXPath\$PackageName.msix" -destination "$CimFS\$PackageName\$PackageName.cim" -applyacls -create -vhdSize 200 -filetype "cim" -rootDirectory apps
May 04, 2021Brass Contributor
I could see the same situation. Maybe it is due to the MSIX package? Certain packages can be created as CIM without problems.