Forum Discussion

Kesavan Munuswamy's avatar
Kesavan Munuswamy
Copper Contributor
Jun 05, 2020

Re assign user to Session host in Personal Pool desktop

Hi All,

Good Day!!!,

We deployed WVD Spring 2020 setup , we provisioned some set of Personal Pool-Personal Desktop and assigned to respective users into each sesionhost . Now the issue is we need to remove one user from assigned session and then add new user to the same sessionhost.

How can we achieve this, we tried to update using

Update-AzWvdSessionHost -HostPoolName HP01 -Name -ResourceGroupName AZURE-WVD1-RSG -

but above command did not worked .


Any help will be appreciated 


Thanks & Regards,

Kesavan K M

  • Kesavan Munuswamy  Hi, unfortunately you cannot re-assign a host to a user. The quickest way to do this is to delete the existing host and just add in another one. 


    If you don't want to remove and re-deploy you can re-install the wvd broker agent on the VM using the following steps


    1) Remove the host from the pool

    2) RDP onto the VM and uninstall the WVD Broker Agent 

    3) Generate a new token from the portal 

    4) Re-install the agent using the token 

    5) Assign the host to the user


    Hope that helps! 

  • virtualmanc's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Kesavan Munuswamy  Hi, unfortunately you cannot re-assign a host to a user. The quickest way to do this is to delete the existing host and just add in another one. 


    If you don't want to remove and re-deploy you can re-install the wvd broker agent on the VM using the following steps


    1) Remove the host from the pool

    2) RDP onto the VM and uninstall the WVD Broker Agent 

    3) Generate a new token from the portal 

    4) Re-install the agent using the token 

    5) Assign the host to the user


    Hope that helps! 

    • EirikV's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      This worked for me.

      1) Remove the host from the pool
      2) Generate new token
      3) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\RDInfraAgent --> Enter new token in "RegistrationToken"
      4) HKLM\Software\Microsoft\RDInfraAgent --> Set "IsRegistered" to "0".

      5) Reboot the session host

      6) Assign the host to the user

      It will probably work without reboot if you restart the correct services.

      • Kesavan Munuswamy's avatar
        Kesavan Munuswamy
        Copper Contributor
        Hi Eirikv, Good Day!!!, I was found this 2 registry Key value update would be the easy and fasted way to do the changes i was done bunch of instances with this way.

        Thanks, by Kesavan K M
