Forum Discussion

StefanKi's avatar
Iron Contributor
Jun 04, 2019

New-RdsTenant : User is not authorized to query the management service.

Hallo, I become the erorr "New-RdsTenant : User is not authorized to query the management service." Thanks for your help Stefan
  • praveenanil's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    StefanKi Have you assigned the user the Tenant Creator Role in Windows Virtual Desktop Application under Enterprise Applications in Azure Active Directory?

  • Hey,

    for this to work you have to make sure the current user is assigned as a TenantCreator in the "Windows Virtual Desktop" application (in 'Users and groups' blade).

    Also, once you did that, wait at least 4-5 minutes before proceeding to log-in and try to create the tenant. If you do that before, invoke Add-RdsAccount again, to re-login.

    I hope that helps.


