Forum Discussion
MSIX app attach Azure portal integration public preview
Stefan Georgiev I wonder what could be wrong in my environment with on-prem AD? I've successfully been able to add Chrome and Edge Dev sample MSIX packages to host pool as well as Remote App application group. However they do not appear on Windows nor web client although apps that I've added from Start menu appear ok. I've also used PowerShell scripts from Configure Windows Virtual Desktop MSIX app attach PowerShell scripts - Azure | Microsoft Docs to successfully attach Chrome and verified that it appears as mounted volume and app works when started from Start. I've also implemented Log analytics and WVDFeeds on Workspace Logs shows # RDPTotal equivalent to # icons displayed on client(s). RDPFail and IconFail remain as zero. I noticed on your video that you specified icon path for the app. Is it required? In my environment (with session hosts provisioned into North Europe region) I've got exactly same situation as Jantu123 i.e. two session hosts with different WVD agent versions. However, I've shutdown the host with older WVD agent i.e. trying to get this working with 1.0.2743.1300.
I found the following event in Event Viewer\Applications and Services Logs\RemoteDesktopServices:
Source: Microsoft.RDInfra.Messaging.DefaultMessenger
Event ID: 0
[] Dispatched message '{"MessageId":"7b3447a4-0647-4ef0-934d-e47dbcd1bdd7","Type":0,"Request":{"MethodName":"ExtractMsixDataAsync","Arguments":{"Path":"\\\\<storageaccount>\\<fileshare>\\MSIX\\GoogleChrome_68.46.66.0_x64__74vyvr5aw93s6.vhdx","Validate":true,"Limit":0,"Skip":0},"Headers":{"x-ms-correlation-id":"ddb1a956-f301-4d52-9776-2dba84031d02","x-ms-activity-context":"False","ms-wvd-activity-hint":"ms-wvd-ep:2bd6cc7b-7764-4e53-90bc-b7a1a502e5bc","x-ms-lamport-ts":"477077490"}},"Response":null}'
There is also similar event for Edge Dev. Also, there appears the same event as in Jantu123 i.e "MSIX packages have been properly staged". I couldn't find any errors or warnings in that log that seemed linked to app attach.
I found events for MSIX app attaching Chrome with PowerShell on Microsoft-Windows-AppXDeploymentServer/Operational. However, couldn't find any events for EdgeDev which I haven't attached with PowerShell. Should WVD app attached apps write events to this log if they are working?
When are you going to whitelist next batch? I'm waiting to evaluate my other environment with Azure AD DS. Initially, I didn't have RP registered but now I've got two separate host pools waiting...
You can take a look at event viewer using this custom view
Few other things to check version of agent (2743), version of bootloader (1.0.3), package is set to active and has been assigned in a destkop application group and published to users.