Forum Discussion
MSIX app attach Azure portal integration public preview
What is the WVD agent minimum version that support MSIX app attach? For whatever reason newly provisioned session hosts in validation host pool have older WVD agent (1.0.2548.6500) than before (1.0.2743.1300). See more details in picture that I posted in previous post.
Are there any recommendations which Region to select while creating wvd components (workspace, host pool and Application groups) to ensure msix app attach works best possible way? I have tested east US and West US to store WVD metadata objects. My session hosts are provisioned to West Europe region.
Updated tuesday:
Noticed that if you try to use the session host with old WVD agent when adding MSIX packages, you will get Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Adding MSIX package succeeds if I start the other session host with newer WVD agent even though otherwise App Attach still don't work.
I don't see any errors related to App Attach in the Event viewer. Everything looks good in Session host with newer WVD Agent but still don't see published Remoteapps...
- Stefan GeorgievDec 28, 2020MicrosoftJantu123 MSIX app attach in WVD is available only in the validation environment (aka 1.0.2743). Region is up to you. Works in all.
The null reference on the older version of the agent is expected