Forum Discussion
Stefan Georgiev
Dec 14, 2020MSIX app attach Azure portal integration public preview
MSIX app attach is an application layering solution that allows you to dynamically attach an application (that is an MSIX package) to a user session. Separating the application from the operating sys...
Dec 15, 2020Copper Contributor
Stefan Georgiev I have tried to add a package and after filling out the display name and clicking next, I am getting error as below
ActivityId: 35e6e4ff-4d9e-4168-8114-8a14888b97a1 Error: This functionality is not supported. It will be included in a future release.
Am I missing something.
- Stefan GeorgievFeb 17, 2021
Your subscription is not whitelisted for the preview. Please feel in the form or PM me your sub ID. - Stefan GeorgievDec 28, 2020
rejincm I do not see your subscription having a request filed to enable the feature
- AndreasD2215Dec 22, 2020Copper ContributorDo i also missing something? getting same error message as rejincm.
- Stefan GeorgievDec 18, 2020
This is due to a bug we found in the whitelisting. My dev is racing against time to deploy the fix tomorrow (before the change freeze takes effect). if you have another sub we can circumvent the bug and get it enabled. - Stefan GeorgievDec 18, 2020
rejincm We are hitting an error with the Azure whitelisting process that is blocking your sub, We are trying to do a fix tomorrow (well already today 12/18).
- Stefan GeorgievDec 28, 2020
rejincm This has been fixed
- Robert FolkersDec 17, 2020Copper Contributor
rejincm Same error and also Powershell doesn't work, with the same error message.
- Stefan GeorgievDec 28, 2020
I would expect if portal does not work then also the PS will not work. Can you PM me your hostpool name to if there are any errors in the back? Also I am assuming the VHD is not malfomed due to download issues. That used to happen to me a lot when wfh and trying to download 1gb vhd over comcast 🙂 - Stefan GeorgievDec 18, 2020
this is a problem with the Azure whitelist flag. We are looking to ix it today 12/18 but the fastest way to get you enabled is to whitelist a different sub....- Jantu123Dec 18, 2020Brass Contributor
Having strange test results...
- MSIX published RemoteApps are randomly visible and randomly vanish from Remote Desktop client. I had probably 6-7 apps that were not visible and suddenly they appeared to multiple users. But now they are gone.
- When I tried to launch Remoteapp MSIX apps while they were visible in Remote Desktop Client, instead of opening application, Explorer was opened. Tested with sample Google Chrome and with own Notepad plus app and both with same results
- When testing Full Desktop with MSIX apps some of the users see the MSIX apps icons on the Start Menu after logging in to desktop and some do not even if the MSIX app is published to group containing both users.
- Stefan GeorgievDec 18, 2020
Robert Folkers Hi Robert, the underlying problem is in the way feature flags are handled in Azure. Fastest fix is to get a different sub enabled (we figured out how not to hit the bug), if you do not have a different sub you may like the fact we a re trying to kick of a deployment tomorrow that is going to fix the issue.
- chadhamilton37Dec 15, 2020
Stefan Georgiev I am getting the same error as rejincm
- Stefan GeorgievDec 28, 2020
chadhamilton37 what is your sub id?
- Stefan GeorgievDec 18, 2020
chadhamilton37 we are working to fix the bug. deployment for the fix is planned for 12/18 but there is no guarantee we can make it. The 100% fix is to enable a different sub under you Azure AD tenant.
- Stefan GeorgievDec 18, 2020
chadhamilton37 there is a bug we found in the whitelisting process. There is a fix and we are trying to deploy it...however we are racing against time as there is a change freeze starting 12/18 12:00. If you have a different sub I now how to enable the feature and circumvent the bug.
- chadhamilton37Dec 21, 2020
Thanks Stefan Georgiev. It is working for me now.