Forum Discussion
John Quile
Jan 24, 2020Brass Contributor
'joindomain' error with Windows Virtual Desktop
I have a single vnet with a subnet that has gateway and a subnet that has a Domain Controller successfully joined to our on-prem domain via VPN tunnel. I went through all the steps I've found onlin...
- Jan 24, 2020
Hi John,
Is the VM in the same vnet as the DC?
What is the DNS server in the subnet where the WVD VM is created? The domain needs to be resolvable.
Another option is that the account used for joining the WVD VM to the domain is incorrect.
Looking forward to your feedback!
Jan 24, 2020Iron Contributor
Hi John,
Is the VM in the same vnet as the DC?
What is the DNS server in the subnet where the WVD VM is created? The domain needs to be resolvable.
Another option is that the account used for joining the WVD VM to the domain is incorrect.
Looking forward to your feedback!
John Quile
Jan 24, 2020Brass Contributor
So I think it's working now, at least with a one-off VM I deployed.
- Created new VNet and subnet for the WVD network
- Setup peering between it and the VNet that has the Domain Controller VM
- Set the WVD Vnet DNS server to the IP of the Domain Controller VM in the other VNet
- Added on-prem Firewall static route to the new WVD subnet
- I can join it to the domain.
I'm not sure if that's the best route or not.
But I believe that will fix the WVD Host Pool deployment.