get/set-rdsremotedesktop -showinwebfeed not working
I'm working with Windows Virtual Desktop in Azure and have configured two host pools with remote desktops in a single tenant, located in different Azure zones for redundancy/failover. I'd like to use the set-RdsRemoteDesktop function with the -ShowInWebFeed option to hide the secondary remote desktop and then if we need to fail over to that zone, change it to visible and hide the primary.
However, setting the Boolean value $true or $false doesn't appear to have any effect, and Get-RdsRemoteDesktop always returns a blank value for ShowInWebFeed. Example:
TenantGroupName : Default Tenant Group
TenantName : SchoolsUSE2
HostPoolName : Schools US-East2
AppGroupName : Desktop Application Group
RemoteDesktopName : Remote Desktop
FriendlyName : Test VDI
Description : The default Session Desktop
ShowInWebFeed :
I'm using the module Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowerShell version 1.0.1288.1 downloaded freshly from the PowerShell Gallery this morning. (I was using 1.0.833 with the same results, so I uninstalled that version and upgraded to 1.0.1288.1 with the same results.)
I've been reading the docs at
and it looks like this is valid, but before I log a support ticket with Microsoft, does anyone know a) if what I'm trying to do is a valid operation, and b) if there are any known problems with this set of functions/parameters?