Forum Discussion

fgottman's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 02, 2020

Error Deploying from SiG image, WVD Spring 2020



We are testing deploying a host pool using the new ARM-based deployment and I'm running into an error when deploying new versions.


Source VM is running in Azure (server 2016 datacenter, if it matters)

-Azure Backup taken

-Azure Backup restored as new VM in new VNET

-VM is modified (removing unneeded apps/roles, setting up FSLogix, Sophos sysprep script)

-VM is sysprep'd, OOBE, generalized, and shut down

-Image captured from VM, added to Shared Image Gallery

-New host pool deployed using SIG image, 2 VMs provisioned successfully.


Now, based on guides I've found regarding deploying Spring 2020 WVD, the thought is I should be able to update the "golden image" by:

-Provision a new VM from the SIG image

-Modify VM as required (app updates or whatever else)

-Sysprep again

-Capture new image

-Add image to SIG as new version

-Deploy new VMs to host pool using SIG latest


However, after the 2nd sysprep, the image created is un-bootable. Fails with this error (below) very quickly, every single time. I have a case created with Microsoft support, but the first info I got from them was "we don't usually see people taking images of images, going to have to research", so I'm not hopeful. But I have seen at least two different guides explain this same process for updating the master image, so I am not sure what I am missing here. I appreciate any help provided!


"status": "Failed",
"error": {
"code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure",
"message": "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.",
"details": [
"code": "OSProvisioningClientError",
"message": "OS provisioning for VM 'WVDTEST' failed. Error details: This installation of Windows is undeployable. Make sure the image has been properly prepared (generalized).\r\nInstructions for Windows: "

  • fgottman hi, this issue seems related to preparing the master image and not WVD. It is Azure compute that reports that the VM cannot be build based on the image provided. Path to for troubleshooting will be to try building a stand alone vm based on the image that has been selected. Once a single VM can be successfully provisioned then that image can be used in the with WVD. 

    Technically an image from an image should work but if support states its not supported I cannot argue the point. 

    We have also seen situations where certain applications break sysprep.

  • fgottman hi, this issue seems related to preparing the master image and not WVD. It is Azure compute that reports that the VM cannot be build based on the image provided. Path to for troubleshooting will be to try building a stand alone vm based on the image that has been selected. Once a single VM can be successfully provisioned then that image can be used in the with WVD. 

    Technically an image from an image should work but if support states its not supported I cannot argue the point. 

    We have also seen situations where certain applications break sysprep.

    • fgottman's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Stefan Georgiev 


      Support hasn't said anything yet. I was hoping the community here might have run into a similar issue given the use case, as I can't find information about this anywhere else. I am going to have a need soon to do the same process with a Windows 10 image for a VDI deployment. I agree that the issue isn't directly related to WVD, but I can't find any other community that is attempting to use images in this way.


      The same error occurs when deploying a VM straight from the image (no WVD). Sysprep process completes successfully, and I don't believe it is a conflict with an application, as this would have caused the first sysprep to fail as well.


      Or am I just fundamentally misunderstanding the point of using images for WVD? Is everyone just building out new host pools and session hosts any time they need to apply software updates to a hosted application? Do they not maintain a "golden image", even for a desktop-VDI use case? Perhaps I will attempt all of this with a vanilla marketplace image instead of a cloned server, to see if that makes any difference

      • NickMariano's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Hi fgottman,

        I am also in the same situation as you. I am using WIn10 Enterprise multi-session 2004.
        I customized, sysprep, and capture and I get the same error.

        I tried deploying a hostpool with just the standard image and it works.

        Please let me know if you find a solution or close to it.
