Forum Discussion
Deployment error during Creation
I am trying to create my Windows Virtual Desktop - Provision a host pool but keep receiving this error:
Deployment template validation failed: 'The provided value 'new' for the template parameter 'newOrExistingVnet' at line '149' and column '26' is not valid. The parameter value is not part of the allowed value(s): 'existing'.'
Any idea on where the misstep might be? I am doing this all through the Azure Portal and not via powershell.
Craig_Tellalian : For these templates, you must select an existing Virtual Network. This is required so that the domain-join operation can complete for the virtual machines.
- Christian_MontoyaMicrosoft
Craig_Tellalian : For these templates, you must select an existing Virtual Network. This is required so that the domain-join operation can complete for the virtual machines.