Forum Discussion

Jasmer's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 06, 2019


I get this below error for additional users, in hostpool where we have personal VDI with multisession enabled.


ErrorSource       : RDBroker
ErrorOperation    : LookupSessionHostPool
ErrorCode         : -2146233088
ErrorCodeSymbolic : ConnectionFailedNoHealthyRdshAvailable
ErrorMessage      : Could not find any SessionHost available in specified pool = ≤hostpool≥, due to either: sessions are not allowed, no healthy host (RDAgent did not report health
                    information), session limit reached on all SessionHosts in the pool or the pool is empty. Run Get-RdsHostPool and Get-RdsSessionHost cmdlets to get more information.
ErrorInternal     : False
ReportedBy        : RDBroker
Time              : 6/3/2019 3:23:52 PM




HostPool info:


TenantName            : WVDTenant**
TenantGroupName       : Default Tenant Group
HostPoolName          : WVD**
FriendlyName          : WVD**
Description           : Created through ARM template
Persistent            : False
DiskPath              :
EnableUserProfileDisk :
ExcludeFolderPath     :
ExcludeFilePath       :
IncludeFilePath       :
IncludeFolderPath     :
CustomRdpProperty     :
MaxSessionLimit       : 999999
LoadBalancerType      : BreadthFirst
ValidationEnv         : False
Ring                  :

  • Jasmer : Have you run

    Get-RdsSessionHost -TenantName <tenantname> -HostPoolName <hostpoolname>

    to see that session hosts are registered to the host pool?

    • Krister Persson's avatar
      Krister Persson
      Copper Contributor

      I have the exakt same error with ADDITIONAL USERS.

      The first user I addes throug marketplace provisioning is working fine.

      Additional user´s doesn´t work.


      Yes, I have addes the user to the appgroup
      Get-RdsAppGroupUser -TenantName aluspec -HostPoolName aluspec-hp -AppGroupName "Desktop Application Group" 
      All users that I have addes shows up, but only the first one is working.


      Here is som additional info:


      Get-RdsSessionHost -TenantName aluspec -HostPoolName aluspec-hp


      gives the following

      SessionHostName : ALU-AZ-RDS-0.aluspec.local
      TenantName : aluspec
      TenantGroupName : Default Tenant Group
      HostPoolName : aluspec-hp
      AllowNewSession : True
      Sessions : 2
      LastHeartBeat : 2019-09-06 11:57:59
      AgentVersion : 1.0.1109.1000
      AssignedUser :
      Status : Available
      StatusTimestamp :


      I cannot find the issue.


      P.s. I have also posted in this thread.

      • Christian_Montoya's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Jasmer : Can you confirm a bit more what you mean by "personal VDI with multi-session enabled"?


        Krister Persson : From your info on the other post, it looks like the issue is Persistent is set to true. We're trying to cleanup documentation, but this equates to "Personal desktops" and the "Persistent" translates to "Persistent assignment". We've gotten a lot of feedback and are looking to change, but it is how it is right now. If you create a new host pool and not declare Personal/Persistent, then you should be able to get multiple users logged on.
