Forum Discussion

DrGuilford's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 29, 2023

Azure Insights does not keep logging data on VM's removed from the pool after redeployment.

I was able to view the logging data on VM's previously after removing VM's from a pool that I redeployed.  Especially when I did a 30 day query.  I set logging to keep data for a year.  So when I went back to several months ago, I would see all the data and how utilized every VM was.  I noticed that now, I can not view the data from VM’s that were removed from the pool. Some data on user's still exist, but data on the VM's do not.  Specific data i noticed missing is as follows:

Under Host performance Tab:

- Input delay by host

- Input delay by process

- Median input delay over time

- Host CPU and memory metrics

- Host disk timing metrics

Under Utilization:

-CPU Usage


I put in a ticket to Microsoft and they said they discovered that Azure Insights does no longer keep data on VM's removed from the Host Pool.


Does anyone know if this information can be recovered?  If so, how can I recover the information in the graph form that Azure Insights used to compile the data. Thanks.

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