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raymondesray's avatar
Iron Contributor
Aug 25, 2021

AVD / Windows 365 - Step by Step - How to install Microsoft Teams via Intune/MEM

Recently Microsoft announced that the "Windows 10 Enterprise (multi-session) with Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise" now includes Teams with AVD media optimizations. This is really helpful and reduces image creation time for the AVD administrator. But what do you do if your organization requires a specific Office version and specific installation options? The result is a separate deployment of Office via Intune. Specifically for Azure Virtual Desktops and Windows 365 Cloud PC's fully managed with Intune, it's recommended to deploy Teams as a "machine-installation" and adding the VDI/AVD media optimizations. Full requirements are described here Microsoft Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop - Azure | Microsoft Docs. This arises the next question, how to deploy a single Teams installation via Intune? With the additional components, the best way forward is to create an Win32 app. More information about Win32 can be found here Win32 app management in Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Docs. The following step by step explains how to deploy Teams as a single "machine based" installation via Intune for AVD and Windows365 Cloud PC's.

1.) Create a security group where your AVD/Windows365 virtual devices can be added (this can either be manually or dynamically based on a query rule

2.) Create a folder structure on your local pc as preparation for the Win32 application packaging

I have used;

Download the Win32 app packaging tool (, extract the zip file to C:\win32

3.) Download all required files and save them to C:\win32\input\teamsforavd
- Teams 64-bit msi installer: 
- Remote Desktop WebRTC Redirector Service 
- Visual C++ installer 

4.) Create an install.cmd file in C:\win32\input\teamsforavd and edit the file with notepad. Add the following text and save the install.cmd file.

reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Teams" /v IsWVDEnvironment /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f /reg:64
msiexec /i MsRdcWebRTCSvc_HostSetup_2106.14001_x64.msi /qn
VC_redist.x64.exe /quiet /norestart
msiexec /i Teams_windows_x64.msi ALLUSER=1 /qn /norestart

5.) Open a command prompt (CMD) as an administrator and enter the following command: cd c:\win32
Execute the file: IntuneWinAppUtil.exe

You will be asked to provide the source location, type: c:\win32\input\teamsforavd
You will be asked to provide the install/setup file, type: install.cmd
You will be asked to provide a destination location, type: c:\win32\output\teamsforavd
You will be asked to generate a catalog file, type: N for No and press enter to start the Win32 app packaging process.

A file called "install.intunewin" will be created in c:\win32\output\teamsforavd

6.) Go to the Intune management portal , click on Apps, click on All Apps, click on the +Add button. Select app type > Windows app (Win32), press the select button.
Click on "select app package file", browse to c:\win32\output\teamsforavd and double click the "install.intunewin"  file.
Provide a Name, Description, Publisher which are required to fill in, and press Next.
In the "Install command" field: install.cmd
In the "Uninstall command" field: msiexec /x {731F6BAA-A986-45A4-8936-7C3AAAAA760B}
Press Next.
Select 64 bit as operating system architecture, select a Windows 10 build version and press Next.
Select a "Manually configure detection rules" , click the +Add button, select Rule Type "MSI" , provide the product code incl brackets {731F6BAA-A986-45A4-8936-7C3AAAAA760B} and press OK. Press Next. Press Next until you reach the "7 Assignments" page. Add your security group with device members. Press Next again. On the final page press the Create button.

Your Teams for AVD application will now be created. Don't close the screen as this might break the upload. This process can take a few minutes depending on your internet connection.

7.) Once the application is uploaded, sync your device. A few minutes later the deployment will start where the device will start downloading the installation files. After the download, the installation will take approximately 10 minutes in total.

Intune will report the installation as successful. Good luck!

Kind regards,

Raymond van Garderen
Consultant @ SCCT Netherlands

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