Forum Discussion
[Announcement] Connectivity issues from synchronized users to VMs joined to AAD DS
- Nov 04, 2019
Christian_Montoya : A fix has been rolled out to production for this issue.
I am still experiencing this same issue you explain above with AADDS, however even when I create a Cloud native user I get the following error when trying to connect to Virtual Desktop / RemoteApp:-
ErrorSource : RDAgent
ErrorOperation : AddUserToRDUGroup
ErrorCode : -2147467259
ErrorCodeSymbolic : ConnectionFailedAdErrorNoSuchMember
ErrorMessage : Failed to add user = ≤≥ to group = Remote
Desktop Users. Reason: Win32.ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEMBER
ErrorInternal : False
ReportedBy : RDGateway
Time : 05/10/2019 17:05:32
Windows Virtual Desktop DNS name - was initially created because recommendation was to not have conflicting DNS names with tenant, which is
- Christian_MontoyaOct 07, 2019Microsoft
CraigSmith87 : Where was that recommendation made (to not match your AAD tenant name)?
- cwood0304Oct 13, 2019Copper Contributor
Christian_MontoyaThank you for the updates. Will there be any additional steps for us to perform if we already have the host pools with validation set to true? Hopefully your target of this month remains on track, I have 2 clients that I would like to migrate to WVD as it, at least from the outset, looks to out perform their existing Citrix environment and a much lower cost.
- Christian_MontoyaOct 14, 2019MicrosoftNo other steps will be necessary, aside from setting the pool to be a validation pool. I will keep you all updated on this thread.