Forum Discussion

Carlos_Freire's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 26, 2024

Unable to Query Entities delimited_text_column and json_property

Hello, I'm attempting to query entities using the Purview API, but it's not returning any records for me. These entities correspond to columns in files stored in Amazon S3 (delimited_text_column), as well as columns within a MongoDB collection (json_property). Why am I unable to query delimited_text_column and json_property entities?

I'm trying to query these entity types to automatically associate a glossary item with each column, but I'm unable to retrieve the IDs using the Purview API.

Here's an example of the query:

POST: {{baseUrl}}/search/query?api-version={{api-version}}
{ "filter": { "and": [ { "entityType": "delimited_text_column" } ] }, "limit": 100 }

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