Forum Discussion

Sochito's avatar
Brass Contributor
Apr 28, 2024

Policy Tip is not working in Outlook Client but works in OWA

User A signs into Computer X (and other Computers also), and the policy tip is functional for him in both the Outlook client and OWA.

User B signs into to the same Computer X, policy tip doesn't work for him on Outlook Client but OWA works.


We have noticed that for User A account policy nudge rule and classification xmls under C:\Users\<User Profile>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook location and also Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\PolicyNudges key in registry but these are not getting created for User B on whichever machines he logs on.


The missing xml files in the user profile of User B and missing registry key in HKey current user points to either User account/profile related issue or network glitch.


Operating System - Windows 10/11

Outlook Version - Current channel 2403


Please help.

  • After assigning the E5 license to User B, it worked fine for him as well.
  • Sochito's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    After assigning the E5 license to User B, it worked fine for him as well.
