Forum Discussion
Jul 26, 2023Copper Contributor
information protection label, label policies, auto-labeling - what is the difference?
plz help me understand the functionality of the partitions, because when creating a label, I have the opportunity to choose auto-assignment. At the same time there is a separate section for auto-labe...
Copper Contributor
that is, to simplify, the auto-assignment in "Labels" is when a label is assigned at the time of creating or editing a document. And "Auto-labeling" is the assignment of labels to documents that have already been created. Correctly?
I apologize for any strange questions 🙂
I apologize for any strange questions 🙂
Jul 27, 2023Microsoft
yes, client-side is real-time auto labeling during creation or modification. Service-side is existing content at rest.
Once you’re ready for auto-labeling, you’d use the two consecutively as service-side has a limitation of only labeling 25,000 files per 24 hours. So you’d want client-side labeling to help the process by labeling any modified or new document that has not yet been labeled.