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arindamban's avatar
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Aug 21, 2021

Getting Started with Azure Purview using Purview Starter Kit - Updated !

Hi Purview folks 


Good day ! Today I'm going to talk about getting started and being up and running with a fresh new (clean install) Azure Purview deployment in a matter of minutes. [While there was another post by me some weeks back regarding the starter kit, I thought the it had too many references to external links and some other methods; and was hardly detailed out well for beginners in a consolidated manner.]

Here's an updated post giving you detailed steps on how to get started with Azure Purview and be up and running getting to the stage of running your first scan successfully on various types of Azure data sources. Here is the link to Purview Starter Kit download.


Materials/Artefacts Used:

1) Purview Starter Kit V5 

2) [Watch Video] Full video demonstrating entire set of steps, starting from executing the Purview starter kit; setting correct parameters, logging in to the Azure portal, creating a new sample Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, an Azure Blob Storage account and one Azure Data Factory with a copy pipeline set up by default.

[Please Note: Due to possible security risks, the data generator executable file has been removed from this package and consequently, no data will be populated using this script. Users need to add their own dummy data to populate the Storage and the ADLS Gen2 accounts.]


Here's a sample image showing how your Resource Group will look like after the script completes setting up these sample data sources as well as your Purview account.



Steps To Execute


1) Extract the attached (PurviewStarterKitV5 to a folder of your choice,

2) Then open PowerShell as administrator by right clicking in the same folder, and navigate to the folder where PurviewStarterKitV5 was extracted.

3) Change the parameters (CatalogName , TenantID, SubscriptionId , ResourceGroup , CatalogResourceGroup , Location) below as per your choice. 


Note : Before you run the PowerShell scripts to bootstrap the catalog, get the values of the following arguments to use in the scripts:

  • TenantID: In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory. In the Manage section of the left navigation pane, select Properties. Then select the copy icon for Tenant ID to save the value to your clipboard. Paste the value in a text editor for later use.

  • SubscriptionID: In the Azure portal, search for and select the name of the Azure Purview instance that you created as a prerequisite. Select the Overview section and save the GUID for the Subscription ID.
  • CatalogName: The name of the Azure Purview account. Note that CatalogName is the name of your purview account as well as the Purview MSI that gets created automatically. You will need this name to add "reader" role permission on your Purview MSI in order to successfully set up and scan your data sources.
  • CatalogResourceGroupName: The name of the resource group in which you created your Azure Purview account.

  • Location: The region where your Purview account and resource groups will be created. Be sure to modify the region in purview_template.json file as well. Regions supported by Purview are : 


For example: Following is a valid command to execute the attached script. Be sure to use only [ a-z OR A-Z OR 0-9 ] characters while supplying the ResourceGroup and CatalogName parameters. 






 .\RunStarterKitFullAuto.ps1 `
-CatalogName ARIBANPURVIEW20210999 `
-TenantId 72f976887688bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d78798c9d011db47 `
-SubscriptionId 8c2c7768768b23-848d-40fe-b817-69786780d79ad9dfd `
-ResourceGroup ariban20210999 `
-CatalogResourceGroup managed-rg-aribanpurview20210999 `
-Location "East US"







Some sample PowerShell output while executing this script is attached to this post. 

Watch the video below for a full walkthrough ! Let me know your experience or any questions in the comments below.



[Please Note: Due to possible security risks, the data generator executable file has been removed from this package and consequently, no data will be populated using this script. Users need to add their own dummy data to populate the Storage and the ADLS Gen2 accounts.]

-- **UPDATE: Here's another Purview Starter Kit + Demo Sample Data Generator  that populates sample data alongside creating the Purview account.

  • -- **UPDATE: Here's another Purview Starter Kit + Demo Sample Data Generator that populates sample data alongside creating the Purview account. -----
  • arindamban 


    Can you take a look at if this script is still valid?

    I tried twice, however their is no file/content in the storage account, thus no data in Purview after scanning.


    • arindamban's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
      Script is of course valid. However, [Please Note: Due to possible security risks, the data generator executable file has been removed from this package and consequently, no data will be populated using this script. Users need to add their own dummy data to populate the Storage and the ADLS Gen2 accounts.] The issue was the original author had published the data generator in an executable instead of a script, hence causing security concerns while distributing publicly. When I took over and modified the script, I removed the executable.
      • arindamban's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
        -- **UPDATE: Here's another Purview Starter Kit + Demo Sample Data Generator that populates sample data alongside creating the Purview account. -----
